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Your P. O. V.

- No, he can't be, Tamatoa is toying with me, we both know that's not true... - Knowing Tamatoa, he's probably just messing with me, but the hatred he acquired towards Maui, it's less likely he's lying about this... Well, if he is, there's no one I can rely on upon anymore, I have to save my home single-handedly. -Toa. You. Are. Going. Down. - I'll wait until he's distracted or monologuing. If I act while he's holding me or looking directly at me; like I'm on both cases right now, it won't help much, I'll get back to this point again.

The moon is at its top, meaning the light it gives is directly above us. Also meaning, less power for me, and more power to the trident Tamatoa is holding right now. Mmm... this makes it harder, what am I supposed to do? Risk everything and let him take full control of this? No sir. Then what?

"See fish queen? Your trident is better than that hook, guess I'm making good choices. Now, tell me how does this work. " Tamatoa said, narrowing his eyes at me again. "I know a thing or two, not enough really, and maybe, I'll spare you! How do that sounds eh?" He shook me lightly smiling big, proud of his lame attempt at making me speak. - At least he has self-esteem - It took me all my will to not roll my eyes nor snicker, really, he is as lame as always. Tamatoa's smile faded and morphed into one of those "ugh" faces. "You fish are no fun. Look, I'm asking kindly, I could have tied you to one of those underwater pillars near the volcanoes... That's mean and even I know it. Let's save us that part shall we?" He smiled again, like last time. I just stared at him, blinking. "AGH! Say something dammit!" Tamatoa yelled as he smacked his face with his claw angrily and with his feet, he stomped throwing a tantrum like a small kid. - He's not like, he is a small kid... - "We don't have all night!"

I kept looking at him bored, and something behind him caught my eye. One of the giant bubbles had that girl inside, she was looking around frankly, as if trying to get out. - H-how did she got here? Did Maui brought her along? -

Tamatoa stopped rambling, I didn't process the time he did, but he glanced at the same direction I was with narrowed eyes. Seeing the bubble he turned to be as confused as me. "Oh hey... that human girl is back."

- Still... why is she inside that bubble? - I thought and tried to see how this could be an opportunity to scape. I wiggled with my arms up, letting the gravity do the rest. I landed with a thud, making Tamatoa quickly whip his head towards my direction. "Gah! No, you come right back" He said trying to grab me again.

I wouldn't let myself get caught again, less get caught by him twice, I'm not sure what to do now. I dodged each time his claw got near me, rolling, or just moving to the side. - Hmph... I can't swim - I sighed annoyed, seeing the only way out, I would have to get inside the bubble too. - ugh... great... - I dodged one last time and made my way towards the bubble limping.

I was close, very close, but then Tamatoa grabbed my legs making me face plant on the crystal floor. - Nghh... I didn't thought this clearly - "Agh... Let me go crab cake!" I croaked angrily at him.

"I don't think so" He growled, lifting me and letting me hang upside down. "Now stop playing around and teach me how to use this" Tamatoa held the trident in front of my face, I didn't think what to do, I just did. I grabbed it and used it to push him away with a strong water blast. - Guh... That will do for a while - The blast was strong enough for him to loose his grip on me and release me. On the floor, I grabbed the trident again and ran towards the bubble that Moana girl was. She looked surprised, but didn't say a word when I entered the bubble.

Using the trident again, I made a current so the bubble could move away. Away from Crab cake.

"Where's Maui?"

Under the ruins of the crystal pyramid



Guess what? The contest got delayed due to an accident here in the city... one of the recycling departments caught fire, it was horrible, half of the city got covered in smoke. And due to health and safety reasons, it got delayed. It is now on May 8th.

And don't worry everything's fine now (Except for all the contamination), I'll show you my drawing after the contest.

Welp, Cya!!!!!

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now