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Your P. O. V.

I slept in the cave, it was pretty silent, just the breaking tides and the rushing of the waterfall were heard. I tried my best to be careful there, I slept just underneath the waterfall, nothing could be seen. Very comfy cave, the thing is, I hope those humans aren't so bad.

"Ready to go?" Maui asked as he entered the cave, his voice bounced on the walls. I turned to face him, and nodded hesitant, Maui didn't notice. - Good thing he didn't, who knows how he would have reacted - "Let's go then" He said joyfully, gmdragging me out of the cave.

"Hey! Don't go too fast!" I whined as we leaved the cave. Sunlight soon hit my face, making me shield my eyes and squint them a bit. It was fine, I could see the village ahead anyways.

"I want to introduce you to a friend, I know you will get along perfectly" Maui started rambling. I got distracted with the tall palm trees, specially with the humans climbing them. It was kind of interesting, the way they collected c'nuts, it was even kind of amusing. Maui kept dragging me towards a a huge hut, where we found a dude, he looked kinds of like Maui. The difference was the tattoos, and slightly in height. He greeted Maui, and then he waved at me.-O...kay? - "Do you know where's Moana?" Maui asked him.

The dude made a thoughtful expression "I believe she's at the beach, maybe getting ready to sail" He said nodding to his left. "I bet she's almost finished"

"Wow, she's getting up earlier each time" Maui commented "I'll see how's she doing" He said pointing with a thumb towards the left, the man agreed and bid.

"Where are we going now?" I asked, even if I knew, I just wanted to know if he was still aware of me.

"To the beach, just where the fishers dock" He answered half-consious, his mind was drifting off a lot lately. - Wonder what is he thinking about so much - We passed again through the huts of the village, people were here and there doing different stuffs, like making baskets, cooking something... and getting tattoos, maybe I should get one...

"How big is this island?" I asked, this time I was getting curious.

"Well, in comparison to what? Cuz this place is like a sand grain on the beach compared to the ocean" Maui answered.

"Um... compared to the island you took out that time" The memory of the night he took out the island, using his hook, it came back.

Maui stopped, and rubbed his neck chuckling awkwardly. "It's funny you mentioned that" He said, I almost could see a faint blush on his face.

"Why is that?"

"Well, you see, this very island." Maui put his hands out, referring to the place. "Is the island I took out that night" He shrugged lightly at the end. I made an 'oh' sound and glanced around the island.

"Now I got the time to see it" I muttered, hoping Maui could heard, he didn't.

"Anyways let's find Moana" Maui said and started walking away. I quickly started following him, and we soon reached the shore, it wasn't that far actually...

Moana's P. O. V.

"Guess that's it Hei hei, ready to go sailing?" I rhetorically asked the rooster, who cackled in response. "I'll take that as a yes." I giggled and prepared myself to push.

"Hey! Moana!" - What is is now - I suppressed an angered huff, and turned around, preparing myslef to face my dad. I turned around rolling my eyes slightly, I quickly realized it wasn't my dad, it was no other than Maui.

"Oh! Maui, good timing." I started, but stopped once I spotted a girl behind him. - Who's she? - She looked kind of distracted, and lost, I haven't seen her on the village.

"I see you're getting ready to sail" He commented and stepped aside, inspecting the boat. He then turned around and looked at the girl, who was standing a few feet away from us. "Well, I didn't came to help you on the boat. I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine, Moana, this is (Y/N)" He referred to her with a hand. The girl stared at me... I stared back and extended my hand to her.

"Hello" I gretted.

"Um... hi" She answered.

"Okay..." I murmured and turned to Maui. "Some explorers found a new island, not to far from here, want to check it out?" I asked him.

He rubbed his neck and glanced at the girl "I was planning to show (Y/N) the island, maybe another time"

"Oh... alright then" - Why not? He likes to go sailing! Who the heck is this girl?! -

"Well, we have plenty of places to go, see you later Moana, have fun at the island" Maui said as he dragged the girl away with him. She gave me a quick glance and then turned around, facing to where she was going. -A friend he said? Last time I checked Tamatoa was his only friend, and he was stuck on an island for a millennium, how could they possibly met? There's something fishy here... -


What's brown and sticky?

A stick

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang