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Maui's P. O. V.

I whipped my head up, looking for the source of that voice. Lifting my gaze, I encountered the ornamented walls, different designs than the buildings outside, but no trace of the voice. I kept looking at the front walls for a while, and I still haven't found it.

I heard a loud annoying sigh. "I'm here you blob" I hear the voice again, right behind me. So as the intelligent man I'm, I turned around, I've no idea why they called me blob. Now actually facing the owner of the voice I could make out who they were.

- Oh, you stupid crab cake -

He grinned mischievously, just as last time we saw each other, bet he's still trying to get the hook and eat me... "Heeeeyyy, Toa. I can't play with you now I'm a bit busy, you know?" I said reading the hook just in case he tries to hit me again.

He didn't seem fabled, he just chuckled and leaned to the front to gaze directly at me. "Is this business something that has to do with that trident? Forget about it! It's going to be mine!" He spat pressing a claw on my chest - Trident? What's he talking about? - "Oh, and you won't get it, I've got the Mermaid with me!" He rambled. - Merm- - I didn't finish the thought when I spotted something not shiny on his back. Tamatoa caught me staring, he moved so I couldn't see it anymore as he glared at me. - What was that? He really doesn't want me looking at it -" Now, if you don't mind" And with that Toa started sidewalking away, towards a doorway, not letting me take a glance at his back. Then he turned a corner and fleed.

"Toa is still weird. Hmph... now, I still need to find (Y/- did he said mermaid?" - I think he didn't, I'm probably just too stressed I'm hearing things - "Unless... I'll just keep an eye on him, who knows, maybe I could find (Y/N) by following him around" I told to myself shrugging.

I proceeded to the doorway and into the hallway he fleed to. He was a bit too far, but I could hear his steps, as I could barely make his silhouette on the walls made by the glowing stones. He turned and turned, grunting and grumbling from time to time, he also speaks to himself... he's definitely nuts.

I saw his silhouette stopping abruptly, the way he moved his head was almost as if he were expecting someone to be following him. -He couldn't have heard me, I've been really stealthy this whole time! - I remained still and silent, hoping that he really hadn't heard me or to come back this way. 


- Oh... - I tried not to laugh, he sneezed in a very noisy and gross manner, but I can't hide the fact I was relieved he didn't come back this way. He cursed quietly and a loud creaking sound echoed through. I peeked around the corner, seeing his figure disappearing through a set of doors, ornamented of course. The doors were slightly open, leaving a gap wide enough to peek inside.There in the middle, the moonlight shone to the center, or it seemed like the moon was giving off that light; and whatever was at the center Tamatoa wanted it. Now, I could get a glance at his back, but I didn't see anything besides the golden, silver and prismatic stuff, he must have dropped it. - Nah... I was following him the whole time and nothing was on the floor - Then... could he had it in a claw?

"Now now, how do I open this? Eh..." I heard a clanking echo over and over, each time they turned louder and more constant. "AGH! ENTER YOU STUPID THING!" He yelled, grunting and threw something to the floor, almost breaking it. For a brief moment I heard a gasp, it was so low I'm sure it was just the wind or a current passing by. "Ohhh~ right, I forgot I had the other key!" He said joyfully I could almost hear his smirk. Tamatoa glanced at his right claw chuckling to himself. "Open this up, and I may nor destroy this whole place." 

A soft yelp echoed in the room. - Who's he talking to? - Then a thud. "Open that up!" Toa urged angrily. From under his legs, another smaller silhouette moved slowly. It didn't take me long to realize it was (Y/N), still all beaten up. -Hasn't she healed in the lake? Or maybe Tamatoa did it? Whatever happened isn't important right now - Rage boiled in me, and despite any common sense I slammed the doors open and stomped towards them with the hook in hand. 

"YOU DIRTY CRAB CAKE!" I exclaimed.

"Ugh... why you!" Tamatoa whined, he looked like he was going to throw a tantrum.


"No way! I want that!" He replied.


"No, until I have what I want in my claws!" Tamatoa grabbed (Y/N) again, taking a few steps back. Using the hook, I attacked him.

I've mangled his leg once, I can do that again.


Hey!! I know it's not important to you, but the 3/11 was my B-day!!!
I'm a year closer to death, yay!

And I hate the fact that writer's block is taking me over and over...

I know what to write, the thing is, I can't find the way to write it.

There's only one person to blame...

There's only one person to blame

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Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now