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Maui's P.O.V.

I swam towards the bubbly hallway Moana mentioned, I just wanted to take a look, in case I could find a lead to (Y/N). The floor had some arcs bracing the long bubble, as if it could float away or something. With one of my fins, I pressed the bubble lightly, wathcing the way it sunk. -Wonder if I could pop it- Curious I applied more force, it didn't pop, I just felt my fin cut through. "Huh? Um, what if..." I kept cuting throught, until half my body was inside the hallway. "Uh... okay?" The movement of an underwater current pushed me inisde the bubble, making me land with a 'Thud'

"Agh! Why??" I glanced around the hallway, it was empty, there wasn't even water inside. -This is odd, well... at least I can walk like a human -  I thought turning back to myself. I made circular movements with my shoulders, it kind of hurted when I landed. - Where does this hallway lead to? - I looked to the underwater city from the bubble hallway, and caught a glimpse of Moana, still angrily stomping and stuff. I couldn't help but snicker at her, floating around inside that bubble. -She deserves that

"Now, let's find (Y/N)" I walked through the hallway, towards the nearest builing it connected, which was a spiral like tower. And unsurpsingly, ornameneted with colorful glowing stones, shells and clams. - Hey... why are there some bubble hallways around?- I thought glancing once again at the rest of the city, since I spotted more of this hallways. As far as know, this place us supposed to be all about Meramids and tritons, it would be weird if they had some human or land creatures walking around here for a visit. Or... they could shift? - This is a mystery, but guess (Y/N) knows about this? That's one of the first things I'll ask her as soon as we see each other again, eh... after I've cleared everything up about the cliff  thing - 

Images of the way she stopped that tide flashed on my mind. She looked like doing that was taking a poll on her, and of course all her energy, she was hurt. But what stuck me the most was her expression afterwards, she looked... dissapointed and hurt. I've to tell her what happened exactly on that starry night, or else she'll continue hating me for the rest of times. 

I didn't realize I had already reached the tower, until I smacked my face accidentally with the bubble wall, it didn't hurt that much, but still... This tower had some types of tools inside, as if this were a workshop, what kind of things they used to do here? Probably some shell tools or something of sorts. The bubble hallway stretched around the tower's wall, and at the other side looked like there was another hallway leading to somewhere else. - It's taking me long to find a clue...- I huffed and continued to the other hallway. .

This hallway leaded to a building near the pyramid, this one didn't look like a tower at all, nor I could compare it's shape with anything, it was just like a something just being here. That pyramid actually catches a lot of my attention, it was huge, the biggest thing I've ever seen, not to mention it is underwater. And the fact that there was a city built surrounding it was quite intriguin, as well the bubble hallways, if this was meant to be a sea people's city, then, why is it nesessary to have those kinds of hallways? Aren't they just a waste? Not just of space, but also for materials. If this has a purpose it won't be that much of a waste. Still, curiosity is picking at me, I really want to know what's inside the pyramid, the holes don't help. 

  I reached the builing, it was a huge dome made of some kind of crystal, it looked alike to the salt crystals back at the cave's entrance. I was hoping to find a halway leading to the pyramid from here, but no, this was a dead end. - If I get out through the bubble and swim, I mat be able to reach it - I told myself thoughtfuly. - Actually it may work - That being set up, I made my way back until the walls were bubbly and turned to a shark to swim. 

Everything was fine along the way, I even took small notes about the place, this place really couldn't be compared to any other. Villages, islands, hell... each one had their own taste and colors, personality and such, something about this place was beautifully depressing. This train of thought soon crashed when I felt another water current, violently pushing me into the pyramid's wall and holes. - So this pyramid creates currents?!?! What a nice purpouse!!- For the second time today , I travelled through a tunnel, with no control of my motion. 

A light shone dimly at the other side of the tunnel, and I was shot from the tunnel into another room, this time, it had air. I face planted on a cold floor. "What's up with this people and water tunnels?" I mumbled once I got back to human. I lifted myself off ground and grunted slightly.

"Well well, look what do we have here"


Hey guys. 

Now, tell me, do you art? 

Well, you already know I do.


Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu