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(These next few chapters will be focused on Kentrell & Taymor's relationship 😌
But this is just a filler-
anyways enjoy 🥰)


"Aah-my nuuts." I started laughing to combat the pain of Tay pressing down on them with his knee.

"Chill out boo, damn."

"I told you about doing that shit bruh." He said, not letting up.

"You know I hate when you grip my ass like that."

"But your ass-

"I DONT WANNA HEAR THAT SHIT!" He shouted, shifting more weight directly on my weak spot.

I never get tired of messing with him even when he turns violent and starts assaulting my body parts-it's still worth it.

I really love getting on his nerves.

"On some real shit Kentrell..." He started, getting serious.


"fUcKiNg PlAYiNg WiT Me" I mocked, finishing his thought.

"Don't do that." He stressed.
"this my last time saying it."

"You know you like that shit." I teased, only to end up hissing when he put all his weight down on my balls to the point it actually hurt.

"Damn Tay get your fat ass off me." I groaned.

As soon as that left my mouth the look on his face had me wishing I would've worded it differently.

"Don't talk about me like that." He frowned in embarrassment, sliding off of me.

"You said you wouldn't call me that no more."

I sighed, knowing that I messed up even though I was joking.

I really hate setting off his insecurities especially since they're way more personal than they use to be.

Tay actually was gaining weight and he really hated when anyone brought it up since his face was puffier now and his stomach had rolls. His height hadn't changed at all though so he was pretty much just a little chunky midget in my eyes and I couldn't help but actually find him cuter this way and I didn't even think that was possible.

I don't know where he got the idea that anything was wrong with him but he needs to dead that shit.

"Tay I'm not gonna let you sit right here and beat yourself up to the point you can't even hear the word fat without being triggered." I sighed.

"You're stronger than all these insecurities and you know that."

"You hear me?" I asked, seeing his eyes gloss over.

He nodded slowly but I could still tell he didn't have enough reassurance about it.

The last thing I would want was for him to start frowing at his reflection in the mirror again so I had to make it right.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked, pulling him on my lap.

"What?" He asked.
"If it's about my weight..."

"I appreciate you Taymor." I started to explain.

"You know that I love you on a whole different level, but I want you to also know that everything that you've done for, is appreciated-like seriously."

"I get that you're trying to cheer me up but be honest..." He sighed. "You've done way more for me than I could've ever done for you."

"I need you-you don't need me."

I widened my eyes at the fact that he was just lying straight through his teeth like it was nothing.

"I ain't never heard some shit as dumb as that in my life." I vent making his eyebrow raise at me.

"Nigga first of all, if it wasn't for yo-

"No corny sentimental shit please." He chuckled a little, cutting me off. "We already got married remember?"

"Nigga how could I forget?" I reminisced the day for a second, intertwining our fingers.

"I still get chills when I think about the fact that your name is Taymor Gaulden now."

"I lowkey like it better than McIntyre." He said as a smile crept across his face.

"I highkey like it better than McIntyre." I admitted.

"You not the same person you use to be and you need to realize that."

"But It's like after I get over once insecurity I develop another you know?" He started. "and it's not fair for you to keep having to help me through them."

"I mean, I know you said you'd be there for me but I hate being that person who seems like they literally can't do anything for themselves...sometimes I feel like I'm no better than Nick and the sad thing is I was so hard on him about his character."

"Nah." I shook my head.

"The fact that you sitting here right now and talking shit out with me is growth." I explained.

"The fact that you actually try to work on your character and your flaws instead of telling people to just accept your shitty personality is a trait Nick could never have." I vent. "and I'm honestly tired of you bringing him up."

"Don't even stoop that low ever again."

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