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4 years, 9 months ago (🌚)...

"This is so cute." Taymor muttered to himself as he picked up a pink onesie that resembled a pig.

I watched him fall deeper and deeper in love with the baby section and it had to be the most adorable thing to see him fawn over it silently.

"Look." I nudged Nick towards Taymor, thinking he'd find it funny.

Instead, his attention stayed glued to his phone while he smiled down at it like he had been doing the entire time we've been here.

That shit was high-key starting to get annoying considering we were shopping for the baby that he was carrying and he had yet to help.

"Nick."  I called again.

"What?" His head shot up briefly before he looked back down and continued whatever he was doing.

"Can you get off the phone for like 2 seconds?" I asked nicely, regardless of the attitude he gave me.

"We've been here for a while and you have yet to pick out anything for the baby."

Nick rolled his eyes, stuffing his phone in his pocket with a loud huff.

He walked over to the shelf and began senselessly throwing anything in the cart from pacifiers to diapers without even giving it a second thought.

The cart began filling up with just anything  as Nick caused a scene like he didn't even care. It was obvious that he wasn't interested in this at all and I just couldn't understand why.

It's his son.

"Nick stop." I sighed.
He was just giving this whole situation a bad vibe and I was honestly tired of it.

Me and Tay seemed to be the only ones that were actually excited for this and neither of us were even blood to the baby but we already loved it.

"No." Nick replied back smartly.
"You wanted me to help with this shit? Look I'm helping."

Taymor walked back over to us from wandering around himself and he held a frown on his face while looking at Nick.

He picked up a random pack of pacifiers from the cart and looked at them confused.

"You know you need the newborn ones right?" He told Nick. "These are for 6-18 months."

"Why does that matter?"Nick asked.
"They're just pacifiers..."

"This shit is way more complicated than you think Nick." Taymor sighed, pulling out some more of the things Nick had carelessly put in the cart.

"You have to get things that say 0-3 months specifically." He explained. "Size matters when it comes to babies."

"they grow ALOT."

I was confused as to how he even knew that cause I damn sure didn't.

It was like he did research or

"And why did you get size 4 diapers? Those are way too big." He stressed.
"You have to—

"I'm sorry." Nick cut him off.
"Who the fuck is carrying this baby again?"

Taymor looked at him as if he wanted to shoot his head off and get rude right back, but instead he just sighed.

"I'm trying to help you."
"You don't seem to know what the fuck you're doing."

"So I'm an idiot?" Nick asked.

"I didn't—

"Nah." Nick shook his head.
"Since both of y'all clearly know so much more than I do—do this shit without me."

"Nick come on." I sighed.
"You're supposed to be here for shit like this."

"I don't give a fuck." He shrugged, before walking away and leaving me and Taymor to do it all ourselves.

Its like ever since I claimed Nick's child as mine too, he cares less and less about it and I don't get it.

He's becoming impossible and I honestly think Tay felt that mutually.

Nick is his best friend and all, but something about Nick is just off right now. I try to just blame it on the pregnancy but its really starting to stress me out.

"What would you do if I was like that?" Tay chuckled a little, breaking the silence as we began taking everything out the cart to start over.

"Like what if i was pregnant too and I started acting that dramatic."

"You're already that dramatic." I admitted, causing him to roll his eyes as if he didn't know.

I'm just being honest though.

"I hate you." He muttered.
"I really do."

"I love you too."

Bending down, I placed a kiss on his lips not able to keep myself from doing so.

The feeling alone made me forget that we were even in public, until he smacked my hand away after it wandered to his ass when I got a little too into it.

I groaned wishing I could take him home right now but I knew we had to get this done for Dyllan.

I like that Name.
We all picked it together.

That actually might've been the last time I saw Nick genuinely interested in anything about his baby boy.

"Honestly though." He asked again.
"What if I was pregnant?"
"What if I was difficult?"
"Would you still feel that way?" He asked, looking as if it was a fear that he actually had.

"Would you still love me like you say?"

"I mean...yeah." I shrugged.
"It ain't as easy to hate you as you think." I admit honestly.

"You know why?"
I smirked.

Taymor raised his eyebrow looking at me confused for a second before he caught on.

"No no no no DO NOT." He laughed.
"Not in publi—

"YOU SET ME FREE." I attempted to sing.


"Oh my fucking god."


"you are so embarrassing." He covered his face, laughing uncontrollably.

"ILL NEVER LEAVE." I continued serenading him at full volume cause I didn't give a fuck about who looking.


"You cannot sing." Taymor said pushing me away playfully. "You gotta stop bruh."

"Whatever." I intertwined our fingers.
"You get my point."

"What's up with all this fascination with babies anyway?" I asked, curiously.
"You got baby fever or something?"

"Yeah...something like that."


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