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I turned on my phone looking at the same notifications I had seen just a few seconds ago when I did the same thing.

Sighing, I scrolled through the old notifications again as if his text was just going to magically pop up.

"Boy, who got you over there looking stuck?" My Mama joked.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I asked a little confused.

"Trell, I ain't never seen you as into that phone as you are right now and you have been the past few days." She explained.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but it must be somebody new that got you doing all this huffing and puffing at your phone cause you barely even pick it up to answer my damn calls and texts."

"So who is it?" She said reading right through me.

I sighed not even ready to bring this up with my mama yet but she always had to be breathing down my neck about things like this. She always felt the need to add her two cents in-which I did appreciate sometimes when I needed it most but right now...I wanna let my own thoughts be the only ones affecting how I feel about Taymor.

"I don't want to make it something that's it's not yet...but yeah," I shrugged.
"There might just be someone."


"Did it hurt?"

"Well even though your dick was huge...I wouldn't necessarily say it hurt." Nick explained. "It was VERY uncomfortable though, and I'm pretty sure we used way too much lube the first time."

I scrunched up my face just thinking about the feeling.

-Lube in my ass? Making it slippery and moist and shit? That's just trifling.

Then having to adjust to a whole dick being up there? I mean honestly...how could I do it?

"Taymor you don't have to have sex to be in a relationship you know?" Nick said. "Maybe y'all can try the whole celibate thing if you're honestly that scared about it."

"Who said anything about a relationship?" I questioned. "I was just...curious."

"No, you were just...considering." Nick corrected making me roll my eyes.

"You like him don't you?" He smirked.

"Here you go." I scoffed, ignoring the question purposely.

"I don't blame you." Nick shrugged. "Between you and me..." he got closer. "Zion almost got cheated on a few times before." Nick admitted.

"You almost fucked Kentrell?" I asked in disbelief.

Nick just smirked to himself, making me shake my head.

"What's up with you and Zion anyway?" I asked thinking about how I haven't seen him in a little while.

Nick rolled his eyes.
"Zion who? Is that a type of car?"

"Y'all broke up?" I asked confused.

Nick shrugged clearly not wanting to talk about it anymore so I left it alone.

"Well can I use your phone to text Kentrell?" I asked. "Mine broke and he probably thinks I'm ignoring him at this point."

"How'd you break your phone?" Nick questioned raising his eyebrow.

"I accidentally shot at it when I tried to record a video with my choppa." I admit.

Nick looked at me, questioning my seriousness before he started to laugh extremely hard at the fact.

"Are you dUmB?"

I rolled my eyes, it was a fucking accident.

"The phone Nick." I remind him.

"Oh yeah." He turned around sticking his ass in my face so I could grab it out his back pocket.


I went to turn it on but it immediately flashed and vibrated with a new message.

"Who texted?"

"Hold on." I clicked on it and unlocked his phone using the thumbprint I had set.

"It says: This is a text reminder for an abortion you scheduled next we-WHAT?" I asked widening my eyes.

"Woah, Wooooah, Wait-Huh?" I squinted my eyes and read it again to make sure I wasn't tripping.

I looked up at him and he was speechless as his mouth tried to form words that wouldn't come out in nothing but stutters.

"Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment." I finished off reading.

"T-that's for my mom." He stammered.

"It says your name right here." I said showing him the phone.

He looked at it for a while before his face started to frown up and he snatched it out my hand.

"MIND YOUR BUSINESS!" He screamed with a now bright red face as tears filled his eyes.

"I-I didn't even-



"Go away!" He sniffed, voice now cracking.

"Go deny the fact that you want Kentrell's dick up your ass somewhere else!"

I furrowed up my eyebrows now confused.
"You just said-

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yelled throwing his phone at the wall before storming up the stairs in sobs.

I stood still in shock just taking everything in that just went on...because...WHAT?

I definitely gotta call Kentrell now.

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