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*a little time skiiiip*

I laid back, staring at nothing but a slither of light that came through the window into the dark room.

It was quiet besides the light snorting sounds Kentrell would make every once in a while as his body rose up and down against mine.

Right now, it was about 11 something at night and I hadn't had one complete meal in these several hours I had been here so my stomach was on 1000 right now.

The sound alone should've been enough to wake Kentrell up. Even the vibration it was making was strong enough to do so seeing as how he laid directly on top of my body, but he hadn't been bothered by it yet.

It was crazy though, considering I had tried to just slide from underneath him a couple of times which only resulted in him pulling me closer in his sleep or waking up for a few seconds and letting out some more tears.

All day long, it had just been him using me as a personal pillow to cry and wipe his snot onto but i wasn't the least bit bothered by it right now.

He lost his mother.

In this very house, just a little over 24 hours ago.

I had even witnessed it myself.

Imagine your boyfriend finally deciding it was time to introduce you to his mother, only for her to fall to the ground, grabbing her chest before you even got your name out.

The only things I can ever say that I remember of her now is that brief smile she had before it all happened and everything afterwards until her last breath was taken.

I had been with Kentrell every second since.

-The frantic moments before we called 911.
-The bumpy ride to the hospital
-The waiting room
-The doctor coming out to face him with an expression that had already said it all.
-The mental breakdown it caused.
Just everything that led up to right now where I lied still.

To say I was being a big support right now would be a lie.

I'm extremely terrible at comforting and i had tried my hardest to do it for Kentrell but my mind was so focused on what was the right thing to say in this situation.

Letting out a groan, I took all my hunger and fed it with an imaginary plate of lasagna because I wasn't going to risk waking him up again.

I'm just trying my best here.
I really want him to be okay and I don't know what to do or say but the feeling is there.

What it is...I don't know.

But it's forcing me from doing anything else except putting him first right now.

"Stop touching me, damn."


My eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice that I had barely been hearing lately and Kentrell looked down at me with just a little red tint in his own eyes.

"I didn't mean to-

"No." I quickly cut him off.
"I'm sorry."

"Did you need something?" I asked, rubbing out the built up crust in my lids.

"I just wanted to ask if you were ready to go home now." Kentrell explained.

I opened my eyes back up to look at him again and noticed he was fully dressed.

"You want me to go? I asked, confused.

"You don't gotta stay." He shrugged.
"Don't feel like you gotta be here for me and shit."

"Kentrell, I don't got no problem being here." I furrowed up my eyebrows.
"Like at all."

"Do you want to be here though?" He questioned.

"Do you really feel like spending
a-whole-nother day of your life watching me do nothing but cry over this shit."

I sighed.

"Honestly, no." I admit.

"Lets go then." Kentrell said standing to his feet.

"Look." I started.
"Of course I don't wanna be here watching this destroy you. I would much rather see you happy right now like usual, but that's not the case."

"and please don't think that I'm judging your reaction to all this. I'm just saying that it honestly hurts to see you this way."

"Reality is..." I continued.
"I'm not staying cause I feel like I have to, I'm staying because i know that if I left I wouldn't be able to ease my mind until I was in your presence again."

"I'm not gonna sit here and try to give you some speech about how "life goes on" or even lie and say that I understood your relationship with your mother either. I really knew nothing about her besides the fact that you came from her." I vented.

"But I still feel like I need to be here with you for a reason that I can't put into words."

"I think I know why." He said, cuping my chin.

"You love me. Don't you?"

My face heated up spontaneously while my mouth stayed shut as if it was glued tight.


Where did that word come from?


I almost opened my mouth to force something out but instead the door bell had rang, distracting him from me.

I let out a sigh as he looked at me weirdly before getting up to go get it.

I don't even know...


How does that even happen?

Outside of Nick-who didn't even count forreal, I've never experienced it.

So even if I did, how would I know?

I zoned out a little getting lost in thought until I heard Kentrell call me down.

I forced the thoughts away as I made it down the stairs, only to see Nick who I should've automatically assumed it was.

He was smiling extremely hard and I couldn't tell if it was appropriate or not right now.

He did know about Kentrell's mother after all and he even shed a few tears for her himself.

"What?" I asked as he looked between the both of us still smiling instead of talking.

Without words, he pulled something folded up out of his pocket and held it up before letting it drop and dangle in our faces.

"Ultrasounds?" We both asked at the same time.

He nodded happily.

"It's my little baby boy"


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