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I don't know if this is what an "Imagine" is but whatever ☠️
y'all know what I'm trying to say 😭

Imagine if Taymor was pregnant 👶🏽:








I sighed, making my way up the stairs to see if he had already fell asleep in the 30 minutes I had been gone to run to the store for more ginger ale.

It was the only thing that seem to keep Kenzie from making him throw up every few minutes and once again he had threatened to end my life if I didn't go and get him some.

"Baaaby!" I called, hearing movement from the bathroom but yet he still wasn't answering me back.

Pushing open the door, he stood pouring bleach over clothes that sat in the bathtub as tears ran down his face.

"Woah, Woah." I ran up, taking the bleach out of his hand as he practically fought me for it making both of us get it all over our clothes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shouted, snatching the now basically empty bottle from him.

"I...I ruined them..." he sobbed, throwing his arms around me as the scent of nothing but bleach lingered the bathroom.

"Are you destroying my clothes?" I asked, a little upset.

He shook his head, pulling away from me.
"They're mine."

I walked over to the tub and picked up the first thing I saw with the most bleach stains on it.

"Why did you do this?" I questioned.
"You love this jacket."

"Probably more than me." I mumbled.

"I can't fucking fit anything." He stressed.
"I'm humongous."

"Either my stomach hangs out of it or its too tight." He sniffed.

"I'm tired of these fuck ass clothes making fun of me"

I sighed hard before pulling him out the bathroom cause I'm pretty sure the fumes weren't good for our baby.

"A-Are you mad at me?" He questioned.


"You don't get to be mad!" He snapped.
"This is all your fucking fault anyway."

"It's your fault I'm like this!" He slapped me across my face, making my head snap in the other direction as I held my cheek in pain.

I didn't even have nothing to say.

I just looked at him in disbelief but I don't know why because him hitting on me had been a regular thing since he was about 1 month along.

"I-I'm sorry." He sniffed, after a while his mug had turned back into a pout and he reached out to touch me, feeling bad.

I moved back, not falling for this trick again cause sometimes he would just hit my ass again if I let him.

"Taymor you gotta chill out." I insisted.
"You're acting crazy as fuck again."

"Becauuuuuse." He dragged.
"You won't give me what I need."


"Ew. no." He scrunched up his face, making me scoff.

"A Wendy's 4 for 4." He said in a duh tone.
"Actually I want 4."

"You want 4 , 4 for 4s?" I asked for clarification.


I sighed.
"You don't even like Wendy's."

"It makes you gag." I remind him.

"Why do you always gotta argue with me?" He questioned.

"Just because I'm pregnant don't mean I'm some kind of dumb ass."

"When did I call you a dumba-what!?" I grew so confused.

"Just leave me the fuck alone." He mumbled.
"You're really trying me and Kenzie right now."

He went to walk away but I stopped him and he rolled his eyes.

"You really want Wendy's?" I asked, not wanting to upset him.

He nodded, cracking a smile.

"Fine." I gave in.
"I'll go get you some."

"Don't take forever either."
"You better be back in like 15 minutes."

"Taymor it takes 20 minutes to drive there and that's if it's no traff-

"So you don't love me like you say huh?" He asked, crossing his arms.


"wHaT?" He mocked.

"I ask you for something so fucking simple and yet you're acting like you can't do this one little thing for me."


"Your asking me to do something impossible." I explain.

"There's no way that I could be back in 15 minutes Taymor."

"13 minutes 43 seconds." He corrected.


"13 minutes 39 seconds." He announced.

"I haven't even left!"

"13 minutes 33 seconds."

I just stared at him to check his seriousness but he continued to count down, with a smug look on his face.

"13 min-

"OKAY! I'm going." I said, rushing my way down the stairs and grabbing the keys I had literally just put down.

"ILOVEYOU!" He called as I was making my way out the door.


"13 minutes 14 seconds."

I groaned, shutting the door behind me and quickly making my way back to the car.

If Kenzie comes out anything like Taymor, I'm done for.

It's my family though, I got no choice but to love them and I always will.

Feelings on Safety | Nba x TayKDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora