1.23 The End Of All Lies

Start from the beginning

Allison aimed the arrow at us.

She shot again and it landed in Derek's thigh.

Derek growled "Cori, Scott, run!"

Scott, Derek and i tried to run to the house but Scott was on the ground and couldn't see straight, Derek was on the floor too and his wounds weren't healing.

i tried to help Derek up but got held back by my aunt who was aiming a gun at me.

Scott "Allison, i can explain"

Allison pleaded "stop lying, for once, stop lying"

Scott "i was gonna tell you the truth at the dance, i was going to tell you everything because everything that i said, everything that i did ....."

Allison finished "...was to protect me"

Scott nodded "yes"

Allison shook her head  "I don't believe you"

Kate groaned annoyed "oh god, shoot him before i have to do it myself"

I growled "You fucking bitch"

Kate "careful. The gun is full of wooden bullets. one shot in your heart and you are dead"

Allison raised an eyebrow "you said that we are just catching them"

Kate nodded "we did that, and know we kill them"

She walked over to Allison and shot Derek in the leg.

Derek hissed in pain.

Kate shrugged "see?, not that hard"

She saw the look on Alli' s face.

Then she sighed annoyed "oh no, i know that look, it's the 'you have gonna do it yourself'look"

She aimed the gun at Scott while pushing Allison to the ground. 

But before she could pull the trigger we heard Dad.

Dad "Kate!"

We all looked at him.

Dad "i know what you did. put the gun down"

Kate looked at him"i did what i was told to do"

Dad shook his head "no one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, some of them human. Look at what you are doing, you're holding a gun at a 16 years old boy with no proof that he spilled human blood. We go by a code 'nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent'"

Allison translated "we hunt those who hunt us"

Kate snapped" you do not get to lecture me about our code, Chris, you can't even kill your own daughter"

Dad aimed the gun at Kate "put. the .gun .down..."

Then he shot..the tree next to her head "before i put you down"

She put the gun down.

Suddenly the door of the house opened.

Dad "Allison, Cori, stay back"

Scott stood up and we looked at the open door. 

Dad and Kate aimed at the door. 

Allison "what is it?"

Scott and i "the alpha"

The alpha speeded out of the house. Scott and i shifted. 

He took my Dad down, then Allison, then Scott and then he threw me against a tree.

I coughed out. 

 Peter took Kate back into the house.

Allison and i followed him inside. 

 Peter had his claws on Kate's throat "they are beautiful, Kate. They look like you. probably not as demanded. So, i'm willing to give you a chance to safe both of them. Apologize. Apologize that you burned my family."

Kate cracked out "i'm sorry"

Then he ripped her throat out.

Allison gasped out in tears. 

He came at us but Scott showed up and growled. 

I looked at him. 

Suddenly there was another growl behind me. 


I shifted too and growled. 

Scott "run!"

I took Allison's arm and speeded out. 

Peter threw both of them out through the wall. 

He was in full wolf form.

Then he grabbed Scott by the throat but Scott kicked him backwards before Peter could do anything we all heard a car.

 It was Jackson's porsche.

He and Stiles got out. 

Stiles threw a Molotov cocktail at the alpha but Peter caught it.

I sighed "damn it "

Scott threw Allison's bow to her.

 She caught and shot an arrow at the cocktail. it exploded in his hand before he could threw it at us.

Me "Jackson!"

He understood and threw his cocktail at Peter.

Peter was on fire. 

He shifted back and his full body was burned.

I walked over to Jackson and hugged him. 

Allison and Scott kissed. 

Derek walked over to Peter and kneeled down to him. 

Scott yelled " Wait! You said that the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this, i'm dead. Her father, her family...what i'm i suppose to do?"

Everyone went silent.

Peter cracked out "you..have...already....decided. I can smell it on you!"

Scott "Wait!Wait!no don't!"

But it was too late. 

Derek ripped Peter's throat out.

Then he stood up, looked at us and flashed his red eyes "i'm the alpha now!"


I got out of Jackson's car and looked at him "After what you saw tonight, you still want this?"

Jackson nodded"yes"

He walked to the house but i didn't move.

Jackson turned to me "are you coming?"

I nodded "of course"

Then we walked into the house. 

Jackson yelled "Derek!"

He was on top of the stairs.

Jackson "I helped you.I helped saving your life. ok,? you got what you wanted! you got what you wanted. Now it's my turn to get what i want."

Derek jumped down the stairs and landed in front of Jackson.

Then he smirked, flashed his eyes red and bit him.

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