1.125 "It Merged "

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Next day. At the Animal Clinic.

 At the Animal Clinic

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Scott, Mason, Liam, Theo and i were at the animal clinic

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Scott, Mason, Liam, Theo and i were at the animal clinic.

Scott turned on some random phone he found in the woods on a dead body.

A woman "Hey, it's me again. i, uh, don't know why you can't seem to call me back. Maybe it's because you think you're punishing me. But this is too long. It's too much. And it's not abut us. Something's happening in Beacon Hills. T the people here. I just, i need to know everyone there with you is okay, so can you just please call me , okay? That's all i'm asking for and if you can't call me back, then. That means i'm coming up there myself. if i don't get a call from you, i'm coming up there. So just try, try to remember, it's my pack, too"

Scott closed the phone.

Theo who was looking out of the glass front door "you pulled this off one of the bodies in the woods?"

I was sitting on a chair leaning my head on my hand. 

It was all too much nerve wrecking for me. I'm exhausted.

Liam "Malia did"

Scott nodded "Yeah, there were six dead bodies, and one of them had no face"

Theo nodded "okay, so the one with no face, you think that's the woman on the phone?"

Scott shrugged"Maybe"

Mason "It's the same thing that happened to Aaron. It took over his body, basically stole his face and his DNA. So that means whoever this woman is she could be the other half of the Anuk-Ite"

Theo "which means she's just half of the problem. The other half we already know about, Aaron"

Liam "we don't know where he is, though"

Theo "hold on. Aren't we supposed to keep both halves apart? If we know about one half, let's just go for that one, that's Aaron"

Mason "I'm not agreeing with Theo, but i do think it'd be easier to track down Aaron over a voice on a phone"

Liam raised an eyebrow "that's agreeing with Theo"

Mason nodded "yeah but i thought i'd try to soften the blow a bit"

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