1.89 "I Love You"

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Me "Scott"

Liam stood up and walked to Scott, confused "what do you mean 'no'?"

Theo and i kneeled down to Hayden. 

Scott "look at her, she is too weak. it would kill her. we don't know what the mercury is doing to her. We don't know if it is actually mercury. This can't be the only way to safe her life"

Liam "it saved mine"

Scott shot him a look "Well, that was different. you were hanging off of the edge."

Liam "You promised. You said you would do everything you could!"

Scott shook his head "this is why i'm not gonna do something i think that's going to kill her"

Suddenly he got an asthma attack.

Theo took an inhaler out "Scott"

Scott looked at him. 

Theo threw the inhaler over to him and Scott caught it and used it.

Scott calmed down and shook his head "There is another way to save her"

Me "She won't survive this, Scott"

Theo "We need to do something"


The sun was slowly going up.

Melissa came and was trying to save Hayden. 

Liam stayed with the two in the room.

 I walked to the front room and saw Scott and my boyfriend sitting there. 

We were all exhausted and tired. 

I sat down next to Theo.

Theo grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. 

Our hands were lying on my lap. 

Scott "He'll be all right"

Theo "He is sixteen and in love. First love, remember what that feels like?"

Scott nodded, thinking about Allison "Trust me, i remember"

I looked at him and smiled when i saw his eyes lit up.

Theo "all these emotions mixed with the super moon tonight, isn't going to be good"

Scott nodded "i know"

Me "We need help"

Scott looked at me. 

Theo nodded "She's right. Malia, Stiles and Lydia. You need your pack, Scott"

Scott shook his head "not so sure i have one anymore"

Theo "let me talk to them. Let me see what i can do, okay?"

Scott looked at him and nodded. 

Theo stood up and walked out. 

I looked at Scott "see you at home?"

He nodded. 

I sped out to Theo "T."

He looked at me and smiled "babe?"

Me "Could you drop me off at my place, please?"

He nodded "anything for you"

At home.

At home

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