1.11 "You've Got To Be Kidding Me"

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Next day. morning. 

I woke up and didn't see Allison next to me. 

She was sitting with a book on the edge of the bed. 

I yawned "What's up?" 

she ignored me. I rolled my eyes, took her pillow and threw it at her head. 

She looked at me angry.

i just smirked innocently "What are you reading?" 

Allison "A book"

I raised an eyebrow "no shit. about what ?" 

Allison"La Bete"

I groaned annoyed   "You are still on that?"

 She nodded, took her pillow and threw it at me "Get ready, we have school"


Me "Are you coming?"

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Me "Are you coming?"

She nodded, grabbed her bag and she had her head still in that crap of  a book. I had to open the door for her so she didn't run into it. We went downstairs .

Dad walked over to me "Cori, you have a second?"

I nodded. 

Allison walked out. 

i asked confused "What's up?"

Dad "How are you feeling ?"

I raised a eyebrow "what do you mean?"

Dad "I heard about you and Kol "

I shrugged "Well.. it didn't fit. We're just friends. Can i go now?"

Dad "Just one more thing...What do you know about the Mikaelsons?"

Oh Oh

I shrugged  "We are pretty good friends. Can i go now?"

He looked at me for a second and then he let my arm go. 

I smiled, kissed his cheek and left to get in my car.

At school.

 I parked my car next to Allison's and got out. I looked over to Allison and saw that she had her head still in that book.

Me "Please,  don't tell me that you were driving while reading this"

Allison rolled her eyes  "i'm not that stupid"

Me " What's so special about that book always ?"

Allison" it's about our family history"

At lunch.

Alli and i sat across from Lydia and Allison was telling her her about la Bete.

Lydia asked confused "The what of who?"

Me "The beast of gevedaun"

Allison " listen. A wolf looking like a monster who lifed 1764 till 1767 in France. La bete killed over a hundred people becoming so infamous that the king Louis XV (15.) sent one of his best hunters to kill it"

Lydia groaned "boring"

Allison "even the church said that the beast was a messenger of the Satan "

Lydia "uhm..Still boring"

I stood up "you know what..I have to be somewhere else. See ya"

Then I left the cafeteria and went to the lacrosse field and sat down on the bleachers. 

I heard voices and when i looked up i saw Scott and Stiles. 

Then i walked over to them "What's up, guys?"

Stiles "i'm teaching Scott some self control"

Me "can i help?"

He nodded, then he gave Scott something that looked like an heartrate monitor.

Stiles "put this on"

Scott "isn't that one of the heartrate monitors from the Athletic team?"

Stiles nodded "yeah,  i borrowed  it"

Scott shot him a look "stole it"

Stiles "it's for your heartrate. You will wear it all day"

Scott asked amused "is that Coach's phone?"

Stiles "That i stole"

 I smiled  "why?"

Stiles "Because your heartrate goes up when you are wolf, right?....."

I nodded "Ah. You want to see how high it can get before he freaks out"

Stiles nodded.

Stiles "...when you play lacrosse, when you are with Allison or when you get angry"

Scott asked amused  "like Hulk?"

Stiles said irritated "would you shut up and put this on"

Stiles "Corina, would you tie his hands together ?"

I nodded and did what i was told.

Scott "this isn't how i like to spent my free period"

Me "makes two of us "

Stiles came back with a bag and two lacrosse bats, he gave me one and we brought space between us and Scott.

Stiles "are you ready?"

Scott shook his head "no"

Stiles "remember. don't get angry"

Scott "i'm starting to think that this is a bad idea"

Me "What do i do?"

Stiles "the same thing i do"

He threw a ball at Scott. 

I smirked and did the same. over and over again.

Scott was groaning in pain.

Me " Scott remember. stay calm"

Stiles "Don't get angry"

Suddenly i smelled death. I looked around and saw Jackson watching us.

Is he smelling like death? I mean, he looks like crap but that...

He looked at me and then at Scott who got punched with balls. I heard Scott's heartrate and it was beating faster. Then Scott fell to ground and tried not to shift. I looked over to Jackson who looked very interested. Then Scott heartrate went back to normal and i thanked god that he didn't shift in front of Jackson.

Stiles asked confused "Why didn't you shift?"

Me "She kept you calm, didn't she?"

Scott nodded.

Stiles asked confused "Who?"

Scott "Allison. it's like she is keeping me weak"

Me "boys, maybe we should move this conversation to somewhere else"

Stiles asked confused  "Why?"

Scott gagged out. 

I asked him "you are smelling it too, aren't you?

Scott nodded.

Stiles "What are you talking about?"

Scott grimaced " it smells like someone is rotting"

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