1.103 "Allison Saved Him"

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In Theo's hideout.

I groaned and opened my eyes. Everything hurts. 

That beast broke some of my ribs. I sat up and noticed that i was in Theo's hide out. 

I heard kissing sounds.

I looked around and saw Theo sitting against a wall and Tracy on him. 

Kissing each other!!!. 

My jaw dropped.

Then i heard groaning and only one heartbeat. I

 looked back to them and saw Theo with his claws in Tracy's stomach and Tracy laying dead on the ground.

I stood up and put my hands on the railing to support myself.

Theo stood up and looked at me "Co-"

I shook my head "You killed your only two loyal pack members just to get their powers. To get the power of the beast."

Theo "i did it for us."

I scoffed, shaking my head  "for us?  I never wanted this. I wanted you, Theo. But you only wanted power. "

He looked down.

Me "You never answered my question"

He nodded, looking at me "When this is all over and the beast is dead. I will answer your question. i promise. I had to get her power-"

Me "You used her crush on you against her. you used my feelings to get what you want. you are the worst"

At the animal clinic.

I walked in and saw Deaton, Liam, Stiles and Scott standing around a table. 

I leaned against the door frame and put a hand over my still broken ribs.

I said sarcastically "Thanks for bringing me here. Thank you for saving me "

Their heads snapped up to me.

Stiles "We had other things to take care of"

I rolled my eyes.

Scott saw my hand on my rib, he walked to me and lead me to the table. 

I sat on the table and Deaton gave me a bloodbag. 

Then i downed it "can i get another?"

He nodded and gave me another bloodbag. 

I downed it too. 

Scott "you okay?"

My ribs healed.

I nodded "now better"

They all nodded and i smelled Dread Doctor "Scott, please tell me i am smelling wrong. Please tell me that i am not smelling Dread Doctor"

Scott "Sebastien killed him. The pike was the cane of Now Dead Dread Doctors. Now, we are searching for something that tells us why Mason's a genetic chimera"

Deaton "Mason had a vanished twin"

We all looked at him.

Stiles "now we got a vanished Mason"

Deaton "Scott might have something. Mason's twin wasn't entire gone. That's what made him a genetic chimera. "

Me "so that means the DNA was still there?"

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