1.5 Kol

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Bowling Center. 

Kol and i were sitting on the bench while the others were getting drinks. 

A phone buzzed. It was Kol's.

He took it out and read the message. 

I could see his jaw lock. 

Then i asked worried "what's wrong?"

Kol "something happened with Beka."

I nodded "Kol, if you wanna leave then-"

He put a hand on my thigh "it's okay. Nik's taking care of it. "

Me "you don't sound relieved"

Kol nodded "Because it's Nik"

I nodded. 


Allison bowled first and got a strike. Jackson bowled and got a strike too. Kol bowled and got a strike. Then i got a strike.

Then it was Scott's turn and i couldn't help but smirk.

Scott got up and grabbed a green ball. He bowled and missed. 

Jackson and Kol laughed and i held back mine. 

Lydia nudged Jackson "Jackson?!"

He still laughed.

I looked at Kol who stopped laughing but started to smirk. 

Allison" Calm the hell down, Jackson"

Jackson tried to calm down "Sorry, sorry, i just remembered 'im good at bowling'"

Allison shrugged "Maybe he has to warm up"

I winked at her "Yeah, Alli, warm him up" 

She smirked. 

Scott tried it again and missed.

Jackson laughed again and Kol held back a laugh.

Lydia hissed "Jackson, shut up"

Scott came back and sat down.

Jackson chuckled "Great, Scott, you are really a professional"

I rolled my eyes. 

Then a phone buzzed and Kol stood up and went outside to answer the call. 

I looked at him confused and he signaled to tell me later.

Allison to Scott " Don't worry, we just started"

Kol came back and sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

Scott stood up and tried it again, he grabbed his green ball and walked to the track.

Before he could do anything Allison stood up and walked behind him and grabbed his hand.

She whispered in his ear "just think about me.....naked"

I raised my eyebrows.

Kol smirked .He heard it too. 

I smirked at Allison but she ignored me.

I could hear that Scott's heartbeat picking up.

He bowled and it was a STRIKE.

Allison jumped up cheering. 

Lydia asked Allison confused  "what did you say to him?"

I smirked at Allison.

Allison shrugged "Just some motivation"

Scott sat down next to her.

Allison to me "shut up"

Lydia got up and flirted with Scott " Do you mind helping me, Scott??"

Scott " oh no, you are good, go for it."

Lydia said perplexed "thanks"

HA screwed up, bitch.

She went to the track.

Jackson to Lydia " Let me help you"

Lydia snapped "no let me just try"

Kol and I just smirked the whole time.

Lydia bowled and STRIKE.

Allison's, Scott's, Jackson's jaws met the floor.

I just rolled my eyes.

And now she gets her lovely attention.

She sat back to us and Allison whispered to her "what was that?"

Lydia shrugged "I was just trying to figure out if he was a player"

I rolled my eyes and got up "I'm gonna get some fresh air. be right back"


I took a deep breath  "what?"

Then i turned around to Kol. 

Kol smirked "what's going on between you and that Jackson guy?"

I shook my head "nothing"

Kol raised an eyebrow. 

I asked amused "Jealous, darling?"

Kol nodded "yes"

My jaw dropped "at least you are honest"

Kol put a hand on my cheek "i am not the sharing kind of person, Cori"

I shook my head "there's no need to be jealous "

Kol "you're mine, darling, understand?"

I smirked at him. 

He pulled me in for a kiss. 

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