chapter twenty nine - unedited

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chapter twenty-nine: the death sentence


"Son, you do agree with me, right? That Y/n girl will have to go." My mother asked me after taking a sip of her champagne.

We were discussing the games, in other words, who should win. Which win would benefit us?

"Her death at the moment wouldn't benefit us," I answered, sighing wearily to appear honest.

Not much longer, the witch will be gone soon enough.

Mother looked a bit angry, but as always, she managed to keep her emotions in check.

I was used to this, my mother would never show any living being any form of affection.

My hope for that had died when I was six years old. After that, my hate for her started blossoming.

"Well, I refuse to accept that girl from district 11 as our victor!" She burst out.

With her long nails, she clicked on the red button next to her chair. The big screen in front of us immediately opened up.

"I wasn't suggesting having her as a victor." I smoothly replied, filling up her second glass of champagne. My mother quirked her brows at me in doubt.

"What were you suggesting then?" She asked skeptically, I didn't exactly blame her for that though. I was known for my rather crazy ideas.

"Wait to make her death spectacular. Don't be stupid about it." I commented lightly.

"Go on." She encouraged, clearly intrigued. Oh, my dear stupid and soon to be dead mother.

"Make her a favorite, then take it all away and then finally kill her."

"How do we do that?" The eagerness in her eyes disgusted me. We were talking about the fate of an innocent girl.

I'm sorry, whoever you are.

I pointed to a tribute on the board, he would be the one.

"Byun Baekhyun?" Mother asked confused. "Kill him. Wreck her emotionally."

My mother let out a deep sigh, leaning back and rubbing her forehead.

"Wouldn't that Jungkook boy be a better target if you're planning on wearing her out emotionally?" She asked, even somewhat suspiciously.

Shit! Keep calm.

"He's a Potential victor. Strong, good looking, and brutal. A perfect capital picked victor." I explained and she nodded, satisfied.

"Very well then, this Baekhyun person will have to go. Pity, I liked his energy." She mused, letting her nail trail up and down her glass.

I didn't have a healthy relationship with my mother, it was pretty hard to after all.

The only times we really talked, was when we discussed the games.

THE HUNGER GAMES. BTS ✓ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang