chapter thirty four - unedited

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chapter thirty-four: the deadly distraction


The Byun baekhyun case was officially closed and we could move onto more complicated things.

Like the extraction of the boys that would have to happen soon.

Time was running out, seeing as my mother was starting to get suspicious.

If not saved from the arena at exactly the right time, everything would explode into chaos.

I wouldn't, no, I couldn't let that happen.

It felt as if I had been planning and preparing for this one moment in life.

Now I was sure erhält everything depended on it. Nobody was going to mess it up.

The tributes apart from the boys and Y/n were definitely more on the dangerous and it would not be easy to kill them off.

But they would have to if they wanted this plan to succeed.

Of course, I would intervene if it was necessary but I sincerely hoped that it wouldn't be. My mother was suspicious enough as it was.

Speaking of my mother, there she was. She was standing in front of me in one of her fancy gown, a screen in her delicate shaking hands.

Oh dear, looks like she's ill.

Her fingers stopped when a picture of Y/n appeared.

She raised her rage-filled gaze towards me and threw the screen onto the floor, making it shatter into a million pieces.

"Why is she still alive?!" She screamed, drawing dangerously close. Her right hand was dripping in blood, making me look at it carefully.

My mother's blood was slightly darker than what would be considered healthy, if only my mother had studied medicine.

I looked up from my her wound and we locked eyes in a dangerous way.

It was like once again, our wills were clashing. Her dislike towards a not handpicked tribute winning against my... my what exactly?

My fascination with this girl from district eleven? No, that couldn't be it.

Maybe it was my will to destroy everything she had done in life and everything she planned on doing.

Destroying it before she died, just so she could see her little empire go up in flames.

How satisfying.

"You have not ordered her death yet." I contemplated adding a sarcastic 'your majesty' but then decided against it. I had to be careful with my mother after all.

She was not described as a vom ready to explode for nothing. Kim Mina, the president of Panem was in one word, dangerous.

There was nothing more to tell about her than that.

"Kill her," she ordered with a flick of her wrist, staring up at me with a venomous look in her eyes.

I sat down on the red and bronze-colored armchair. The carpet beneath my feet was a dark shade of red and it helped me calm down.

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