chapter twenty seven - unedited

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chapter twenty-seven: the death of a tribute


Baekhyun was lucky, they hadn't spotted him yet. Me, not so much.

Maybe I was a bit sad when Baekhyun actually ran when I told him to, instead of staying with me, but I wouldn't think of that in my last minutes.

The twins and Lee Taeyong were certainly terrifying as they stood over me.

Yi Nikki has a bloody ax in her hand and her brother Byung-hoon held only two dainty daggers that glistened in the morning light. Taeyong, unlike the two twins, did not have any noticeable weapons on him and he also wasn't grinning like a mad man.

If anything, he looked tired and somewhat reluctant.

After Baekhyun had run away after I told him, Nikki had casually thrown me to the ground.

"Well hello there sweetie, wasn't that a smart move." She commented dryly, while crouching down next to me.

Her warm hand on my left knee felt very uncomfortable.

Her brother soon followed suit, sitting down and casually taking his hand in his.

"Woah you're so pretty and kind, exactly what you need to win in the games, right Taeyong?" Byung-Hoon asked the exasperated male with a quirky grin.

I had never felt so terrified in my entire life. This was it.

I can't count how many times I've apologized to you already Jisung, but I guess you'll have to hear it again.

Please forgive me

"Okay you sick bastards, finish her off, and let's get a move on. That Baekhyun boy is still out there somewhere." The way Taeyong insulted them made me question why they were still allies.

"Why are you so a stick in the mud, you also think that he's a stick in the mood, right Y/n?" Nikki asked me tracing my jaw with her delicate, but bloody finger.

I gulped as she starting drawing shapes on my face with the blood on her fingers, all the while giggling like mad.

"Please," I whispered, obviously begging for something, but I couldn't even tell what.

"That's it. You do your thing, I'm going hunting for her ally. Give me the bow." Taeyong said in a pissed tone while the twins barely reacted except Byung-Hoon passing Taeyong the bow in his backpack.

I don't know why, but as soon as Taeyong was out of sight, I felt even more afraid.

Even though he wasn't doing anything to help me, Taeyong definitely didn't make me feel as afraid as the twins did.

"You're really really pretty Y/n...but" Nikki trailed off, falsely pouting.

Sweat was dripping down my for head and it took a lot not to burst into tears. I was so afraid.

Of what though? Not really of dying and honestly not really because of Jisung or Mark, but rather because of pain.

I was afraid of feeling pain, afraid of being tortured by these crazy twins instead of being granted a quick merciful death.

"I wonder if you're still pretty with your own blood smeared across your face..." Byung-Hoon continued for his twin sister, making me shudder.

Nikki stood up, dusting off imaginary dust. "Mhm I'm curious too brother, let's find out shall we?" Nikki whispered and teasingly raised her ax to scare me.

As soon as I flinched, the twins started laughing crazily.

Byung-Hoon followed suit, slinging an arm around his sister's shoulder and continuing to grin down at me condescendingly.

"Anything to say to your supporters in the capital? Or your younger brother maybe?" He teased, while handing his sister one shining dagger.

I started shaking and I could feel the color leaving my face.

This is it Y/n.

And then the canon sounded. Someone had died and even though it was somewhat horrible of me, I felt relieved. That canon distracted the twins from killing me.

"Shit! Do you think it's that Baekhyun idiot? Or it could be Taeyong?" Byung-Hoon sounded genuinely panicked when he mentioned Taeyong's possible death.

I furrowed my eyebrows in Surprise... Wait the canon!

My eyes widened when I thought of Baekhyun or maybe even Jungkook dying.

I definitely did not want Baekhyun to die and I had mixed feelings about Jungkook.

"If that idiot dies, there goes our chance of finding our way back to our hideout." Nikki hissed in frustration.

This was my time, I had to find a way out of here and I had to do it now!

I looked around at my things and they were in grabbing distance, All I had to do was reach out and pick them up before running.

But I had a feeling that the twins would definitely hunt me down, still, it was worth a try.

"Should we go check it out?" Byung-Hoon asked hesitantly, his dagger still pointed at me.

"Fuck!" Nikki screamed in frustration, knotting her hands in her hair.

Boom! That was the canon again and this time, I wasted no time in jumping up, grabbing my things, and sprinting into the same direction Baekhyun had run off to.

I wondered if Baekhyun would still be alive, if he was still alive...

Two people were dead and I had absolutely no idea who.

While running I could make out the twins crashing through the woods behind me, but I hoped that I could outrun them.

They were just as fast as me, if not faster. My only hope was the voices that I could make out up ahead.

As soon as I saw the scene, my mind told me to stop running, but my legs couldn't respond anymore.

There in a clearing stood Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Jeon Jungkook, and Min Yoongi who had a knife pointed at Byun Baekhyun's throat.

Behind Baekhyun lay one body with an arrow sticking out, blood seeping onto the ground.

In the shadows of the Forrest, I could see Lee Taeyong with his bow raised, he had been the one to shoot.

He had been the one who ended Jung Lilli's life.

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