chapter thirty two - unedited

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chapter thirty-two: the tale of baekhyun


When two cannons sounded in the middle of the night, I knew.

The twins were no longer with us. In other words, there was no competition left for them.

It was probably the first day of the second week and already two of the biggest competitors were dead.

Even though Y/n probably didn't understand, I knew what that meant.

Soon, probably after Taeyong's death, we would become the prey.

We had to get going now, no way was I leaving Y/n again.

They were sleeping now, even Jungkook who was supposed to be on watch.

Jimin was lying curled up against a tree with Jungkook sleeping on his legs.

Hoseok was surprisingly next to Y/n, their noses almost touching.

From observing them sleep, I could tell that Y/n was very touchy in her sleep, Hoseok sought warmth, Jimin cuddled against everything and Jungkook just slept on everything, no matter how uncomfortable.

It would be easy now, killing them and getting out of here with Y/n.

But I couldn't, I actually liked their company.

And that was exactly what was different about me and Y/n.

They wouldn't hesitate about killing us, but we would.

In the end, we would not be able to kill people who we related to.

There was a rustling in the distance, something was seemingly coming closer.

At first, all I did was wait. My talent seemed to lie in waiting after all.

Still, the thought of there actually being danger coming in our direction haunted me somewhat.

Especially with Y/n's peaceful face illuminated under the moonlight.

Without a doubt, it was my job to protect her, I just knew it.

Y/n was someone you wanted to protect, I was someone willing to protect.

In the end, maybe even at all costs.

So, keeping Y/n safety in mind, I gradually got up from my resting position.

The noise sounded like four feet running, but quieter.

It was only a very light sound that I almost couldn't detect over the sounds in the night.

The flashlight next to my sleeping bag was very bright, meaning it could quite possibly wake up Y/n and the others.

I opted for the smaller one next to Y/n.

With alert eyes, I made my way in the direction of the sounds.

Casting one last glance at the sleeping figures, I finally made my way from our makeshift camp.

The cool night was welcoming, brushing against my cheeks in a refreshing manner.

Everything seemed noteworthy, everything demanded my attention in the night air.

I almost forgot why I was really walking away from our camp.

The sounds in the night, the rustling of leaves and the soft padding of feet...or paws?

That thought struck me and it made me realize why the footsteps seemed too light and quiet.

They were not being caused by humans. No, these footsteps came from something with four paws, most likely something predatory and dangerous for us.

I seized my walking, this was not a good idea. It was my job to go back to the camp and warn the others.

So, I started running despite me knowing that I wouldn't make it. They were too close now.

Baekhyun if you survive this, I will kill you myself for being an idiot.

"Hey! Y/n! Jimin! JUNGKOOK! GET UP!" I continued screaming even though it probably told the oncoming animals of my location.

Then I saw the first creature spring up in front of me.

Black like the night and huge. If anything, it looked a bit like a panther but obviously mutated by the capital.

It was twice the usual size, with piercing blue eyes, fangs that were dripping a yellow substance and it smelling oddly like morphine.

Maybe not morphine, just hospital in particular. It was just easier to detect that smell since I was so familiar with it.

My parents being doctors and all.

It would not be possible to outrun this creature so the only thing I could really do was wait.

Sounded pathetic but then again, you are pathetic baekhyun.

My instincts were screaming at me to run or cry for help since it looked like the gigantic creature was about to pounce, but I didn't listen.

Instead, I stood taller and tried to act brave, I was on live television after all.

Fear was starting to affect me, my hands were shaking.

Sweat was dripping down my forehead as I stared into the beast's eyes. They were such a pleasant color of blue.

And then it attacked.

Jumping as high as three meters into the air and lunging at me. Its claws were raised and the yellow substance was still dripping from the creature's mouth.

I was sure that I was a goner, so I closed my eyes, even welcoming the feeling a bit.

I mean I would be free then, free of all Panem and its many troubles, free of the life I had been leading.

Of course, there were people that I would miss. Irene back home, the best friend of a lifetime, and Y/n, the young girl who I wanted to protect.

My last wish would be for her to make it out alive because if any of us deserved to survive, she definitely did.

Being pure, innocent and most of all kind was something that should have been treasured more by everyone.

By the capital, by the people in the district, and even me. Y/n made me realize that.

The bite didn't even hurt that much, it felt more like that one time where a doctor had injected me with a syringe.

My head was somehow getting lighter and in all honesty, I didn't feel like I was dying.

I felt like someone was numbing all of my pain, both emotional and physical.

The last thing I could make out before I closed my eyes was the bright sky and a claw descending from a hovercraft.

At last.

THE HUNGER GAMES. BTS ✓ Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα