T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Heather was on the ground with her neck exposed and her head held by one man. She moved by her head was fixed that way. There were three other men inside waiting for their leader until she hears huge clanking shows walking closer and closer. Her heart sped up as the door creaked open.

"I need a word with Heather...The rest of you...Out!" He ordered. The man holding Heather still held her neck as if he wanted it. He held onto her quite tightly so she was not allowed to even talk. Heather cried silently. As the man with this grey suit stared down at her with pity eyes.

"Heather..." He says. The girl moved to try and escape but the man held her arms tight enough to not even let her breathe. She breaths in and out in a fast motion, seeing that her life flashed before her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked softly wiping off her tear which she flinched a bit by. Her head was spinning and her heart sped like a broomstick on Quidditch.

"You shouldn't be since...We're both the same kind..." Heather was soon released from the tight grasp as she breathed in to get the air. She coughed out loudly on the ground, she stares up at him with a glare.

"You're lying! You liar! You always lie!" The man behind her held her hands as she screamed at him. The man stood with his back towards her.

"You traitor! You are not a tive traveller and never will be!" She says going down not even trying to fight anymore. She looks up and sees him. He wipes off his tears. He felt like an someone used an emotional spell has hit him. But he shook his head.

"I've...Suffered...Longer years with the twins...They've done nothing! Except ignore me! But...That doesn't matter anymore because after all of this is finished...I'll be sent to Azkaban and be done for...The dementors ripping my sould apart...One by one...All of it because of them!" He threw his wand to the wall. Heather shivered as he spoke about his story. She felt hopeless, depressed and saddened. She also didn't have anyone.

"Fearing that I was not enough! You've had those days, Heather?" he asked, his sinister coming out of his mouth.

"Now...All that I have...Is this..." He lifted up his necklace. A time turner. The girl gasped.

"Now within fifteen seconds, everything will be reversed and I have my wand back..." He says staring at the girl with sad eyes. As he did, the wand was now in his hand.

"And this..." He lowers his hand.

"Come out!" He shouts. The creaking door opens and reveals Leke. Heather shrieked going up shouting his name. The girl practically cried his name but all he did was stare. A bored stare with his white eyes.

"Leke! Please!" Heather shouts but his body was stiff as he stares at the girl.

"I've wiped his memories...He's never ever going to get them back..." He says standing next to the man. Heather knew it was useless. She backed down. Leke walking behind her with his wand.

"Heather...You were so used to the feeling of being friended with other people you forgot that you have to suffer some time too..." Lucas says placing a finger under her chin. Leke pointed his wand at teh back of her head.

"Such an innocent minded girl...You had parents, friends and a lover, Leke said...Supposedly...You couldn't let this man alone..." He says showing a figure of Elton. He is walking down the stairs looking around with a...Gauze around his head. He was injured.

"Elton Dimitrov was your first lover...This is what happens next year...The dangers of him knowing that you're a time traveller creates whole new conflicts...You have to do something about that otherwise live here forever...Michael and everyone...They're going to suffer big hours..." And that was when she knew. As he casted the unforgivable spell, everything would be gone.

"Crucio!" He shouts. The spell casted over her body as she frantically shouted and moved around.

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