T W E N T Y - O N E

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Back in Old England, Michael and Bianca were discussing politics and joking until the sound of the wardrobe caught their attention. Michael turns around to open the wardrobe until the door opened itself.

"Woah..." He says standing up and pointed his wand at the person walking out. Out came Heather in wet hair and her school uniforms. Michael sighed in relief and she looks up at the two.

"Hello..." She says in a soft tone but was joking. Michael laughed walking up to her to help her up. She gripped onto his biceps and was lifted up. Heather sighed closing the doors. She looks down at her watch and saw 'Eighteen fifty - three'. She nodded.

"Heather...Don't you..." Bianca gave her a towel. The girl didn't need it since it was in the process of drying.

"I have the challenge to participate. I was unconscious." The two nodded. Michael stared at her blue robes. He tensed up but since Heather was his friend he kept silent.

"You're a Ravenclaw." The girl looks down and nods with a smile. Michael chuckles.

"I'll get the tea ready..." She says. Michael nods. She disappears to the kitchen to prepare. Michael stands up.

"Have you heard anything lately." The man shook his head. The girl sighed in dismay. He walks towards the balcony and jumped down.

"Michael!" She shouts. But luckily, he landed on something his broomstick.

"Come on! I got you one!" The girl took in a deep breath and jumped. She lands on the hard material not remembering the last time she got on one. She cheered.

"Come on! We have to get a bird's eye view!" He shouts due to the loud wind and sounds of buses passing by. Heather nods. She follows him towards the towers and streets. The girl gasped in outburst before realising that this was a moment she will remember. As they flew to the top of England. Michael brought out his wand.

"Wizarte occultatio..." He says and this yellow beam strikes out over England. The girl stares in awe over the power. It created this field for wizards and where they hid under the shadows of the muggled. Heather followed Michael down and they landed on the ground in front of a bar.

As the duo walked in, everyone stares at him. Michael froze in his spot.

"What." A man walks up to him. He didn't look like a man. He was half centaur due to his legs being so long that it shoved the back table a bit.

"We've heard about Leke..." Heather sighed. Michael rose an eyebrow.

"Oh." He says in a questionable way.

"We heard that he has been captured...By your brother..." Michael shook his head.

"He's not my brother...Brother's are family, Lucas is not." He says. Everyone gasps. Heather knew where this would be going, she got her wand out.

"You shall not! Say his nam-"

"Mimblewimble!" She says. His voice got stuck in his throat. Everyone looks at him. Heather moves in front of Michael who got his wand out. These two were impeccable in charms but horrible in potions. These two were invincible. The centaur got his fists out but the Michael got to him first until...


"Duro!" She shouts. His centaur figure turning into stone slowly and slowly making the man's eyes turn to stone. Everyone stares at him. Michael chuckled.

"How the-"

"She went to school you baboons. Now...Who here shall talk about Lucas has to go through me..." Michael walks out of the bar with a jar filled with beer. The girl good gillywater where she grimaced a bit but managed to like it. The two walked a dark way.

"Lumos." They both said. Their wands projected light. They all hear the whistles from the ministry. Aurors supposedly hunting for some key evidence. Michael chuckles.

"Aurors...They know nothing except to show off...What could I do...You're only sixteen..." he says smiling at the girl. She smiles back not understanding the deal with Aurors and having the deal with the ministry.

"So...Is it true that everytime a person travels through time...They have gotten a year older?" The man shook his head.

"Well...If you stay yes. But it's not going to affect you for so long." The girl nods. She didn't know who this Lucas guy was until the two heard screams. Michael stares at Heather before jumping on their broomsticks.

They followed the cries of a lady being dragged. The seeping sounds of nails on the ground made Heather flinch.

"Down there." She says pointing to the alleyway. Michael stares at her.

"I'm going with you, Michael..." The man nods before landing again. The two followed the dragging and made their way to the alleyway. They hear noises. The biting of skin and flesh. The girl screams out in pain. Michael shook his head.

"This is too much-"

"Don't..." The girl shook her head at him. The man sighed. As they heard that there was nobody there, Michael stands up and walks over to the body.

"Help me...Help me...They're going to find me and hunt me down-"

"Who is sweetheart?" He asked. The woman shook his head.

"I can't say his name..." She says. The girl looks at her arm. Heather stares at Michael. Michael crouches and looks at her arm.

'Lucas will find you M...' Even the letters made shivers down his spine.

"Oh no..." He says staring at her with a slight fear. His half-younger-brother was on the loose alongside Leke. Heather sighed, the sound of an owl startled her. She turns around and saw a letter loosely around its mouth. Heather looks at Michael who insisted.

She took it from its mouth and there it flew. She looks at the grey owl before opening the letter with worry. She gave it to Michael, he glided his fingers across it and took it.

'Mtholephi Opelé,

I come research hearing that you are hunting for your brother who I say he's hostage in my house. I've come to a realisation that your brother has told me that you brought in a young time traveller. I'm not saying that its illegal but if you don't bring this child here to my manor, I will kill your brother who is unconscious, then we'll have a talk...'

Michael breathed sharply and folded the letter quickly. Heather was looking down at the girl helping her, she got her wand out and placed it over her wound. Michael saw this, her life was not worth giving to Lucas. She was innocent and wise and smart. Michael remembered what Bianca told him 'She's still has a lot of youth considering the fact that yes, she is a time traveller...' Michael was willing to sacrifice himself then Heather. Michael swore under his breath

"Merlin's beard..."

Heather Hussin and the Wardrobe of ParadoxesWhere stories live. Discover now