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"Heather...It's a very interesting name for a girl?" The girl chuckles as they walked to the apartment. Heather found old England quite...Pleasing though passing by the clouds gloomed the sky. The girl chuckled.

"A flower that blooms in and out of Europe..." She says opening the door to walk up the stairs. She smiles at him. She soon realised that the more time she wastes here the less time she gets to enjoy her actual life with her family and friends.

"Listen, Michael...As much as I love old England...I think that-"

"Bloody hell!" Michael shouts running towards his twin brother on the ground shaking furiously. A seizure. Heather gasped distancing herself away from the scene but was feared for her life she had to see such a kind man suffer in a bad way.


"The antidote! Give it to him!" He shouts to Bianca who was running towards her bag. Michael looks at Heather.

"Michael..." Bianca gives him the little flask, opening giving him for a sip. Michael gives it to Leke in a fast motion. He opens his mouth taking a sip. Heather didn't know what sentiment was it but she smelled it. He stopped shaking closing his eyes taking in a deep breath. Michael looks up at Heather.

"Bearded dragons blood...Mixed with brandy...It's expensive but...It helps him..." He says. The girl's mouth quivered seeing Leke in such pain. Bianca helped him move to a bed.

"I...Better go-"

"No Heather!" But she has already stepped out rushing to the cabinet not caring if it didn't transport her back.

"Michael..." Whispers Bianca says. The man turns to her and walks over.

"Just remember what Leke said, this was not what you caused...His condition was given to him...Also...You've got an interest in that girl..." Says Bianca whispering. Michael rolls his eyes. He walks to his wand feeling the urge of the power.

"Heather's a smart girl and you know it...You shouldn't envy-"

"I don't envy...But I feel...I feel like she knows how to end all of this...I need my brother back and that's how I know." Bianca nods.

"If that's not the case...Much more to importance...It's not on her Mike...It's on you...Even if she managed, she's not related to you...If your own father comes back from Azkaban to find him or you...It will be your doing...Now find a way to use that wand of yours you selfish prick."

"She's just a child Michael...Don't put a lot of pressure on her, she's still has a lot of youth considering the fact that yes, she is a time traveller...Her innocence comes first."

The woman smacked the back of his head lightly walking out to the local bookstore. The man sighs in devastation drinking his tea staring out. The sky was gloomy and his hands were shaking. All that he wanted to do was to open a little library with his brother for wizarding children for free. Knowing that the risk would be in his hands, not Heather's but his. He knew that she came for a reason. The cabinet said so. He thought and thought. Until he got the idea. He sighed.

"Oh no..." Before rushing out.

Heather was struggling. She walks in the cabinet and cried softly feeling that nothing changed.

"Oh, why don't you work you stupid thing?!" She cried out loudly at it. She smacked the sides. She cries softly going down on it cradling herself. That was until a little crack opened and the chants.

"Alohomora..." She couldn't care if it was Michael but she needed to be far away from Leke as possible. She was scared that he would fall again for no exact reason.

"Heather?" Asked the quiet professor. The girl lifted her head to see her Transfiguration teacher, Professor Dumbledore.

"Professor..." The man helped her get up on her two legs as she waddled out weak. The two walked out of the room of requirement and walked towards his office.

"Um..." Says a known voice to her but she ignored it as they walked. Professor Dumbledore sat her down on the wooden stool where she wiped off her dried tears.

"Heather...You are one of my brightest students...You show compassion...Willingness...But yet you are very fragile...You remind so much about a student that I used to teach." The girl stayed silent but listened intently. he sits on his desk.

"His name was Newt Scamander. I would tell...If you two met each other which is highly unlikely because he was expelled...But of the course of words...You two would've been great friends of the wizarding century..." He says. Heather sighed.

"Newt...He was very risky...Challenged alongside his brother who was very demanding in such ways...But though he was also...Eccentric...And awkward..." Heather chuckles feeling a bit better about herself.

"You two have a lot of similarities...I bet that the cabinet could bring back a lot of things..." Heather looks at him confused.

"You're saying that you went in?" He nods.

"Scary times...I shall rather not say. But I want to know...Since the Yule Ball is commencing in about three more days...What did you see?" He says raising his wand to make the light turn on. Heather sighed.

"Supposedly...Twins...I was in old London where people didn't cause a lot of trouble...One was blind and the other was arrogant..." He nodded along.

"The day after that...I saw this moment...Such things happening to a human being where someone could shake in such...Rigorous movements that haunt me at night..." 

"And I snapped...I left the apartment building and you saw me..." Dumbledore understood. The words, his mind was shocked someone could experience such a thing.

"And in this place...Does time stand still?" The girl nodded.

"Time stands still but days do not...I hate every part of myself for having you lot to wait for me...I bet I got a bad grade for my O.W.L.S..." Dumbledore laughed.

"Miss Hussin...You do realise that the fourth years don't need to take O.W.L.S?" The girl realised. Her state was still in shock.

"Oh..." Dumbledore gave her a piece of food which made her frown.

"Bite it...It's chocolate...It contains nutrients to make you feel happy and calm..." The girl took the piece of dark cocoa and bit it. It made her sigh in content.

"Thank you, Professor, but...I would rather go to my room now..." The man nodded.

"Please Heather...Don't waste it on me..." The girl smiled and rushed down and towards her room.

Heather Hussin and the Wardrobe of ParadoxesWhere stories live. Discover now