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"AS FAR AS WE KNOW!" Shouts the headmaster in the dim lighting of the main hall. His tall figure was covered by his grey beard, full of secrets everyone says. Headmaster Armando was very strict.

"The next contestants which I will call names in a few more minutes will go straight down...Follow Professor Dumbledore if you may but I guess you already know where to go..." The lights grew darker but the blue flame of the goblet was beautifully lit up. Everyone cheered as they saw the Headmaster walking closer to the goblet.

"Who ever's name that flies out of the goblet and into the palm of my hand...Shall be the next champion..." Everyone clapped. The sound of the goblet grew bigger as the twirling image of paper flew out of it. Headmaster Armando looks up and catches the item. He looks into his palm and sees the name.

"Ludovica Gaël..." Everyone clapped for the French girl in the tilly pink as she smiles widely at her name being announced. The Beauxbatons Academy would be so thrilled to have her compete. She was tall, slim, tan and not to mention a great dancer. Robert seemed to be nervous as the girl walked passed him to follow the teachers.

As she was dismissed, from the corner of Heather's eyes. She sees a dark figure. A cloak walking out of the common room. She stopped clapping until the figure walked out. Its face was unclear but she was certain that it was a human.

"Heather? You alright?" Asked a girl. Heather nods her head bringing her back to reality. That was when the next name surprised her.

"Elton Dimitrov!" She hears everyone cheer loudly and proudly as their new champion Elton Dimitrov from Bulgaria would be competing. Knox was thrilled clapping for him as loudly as he can, being so happy. The boy happily walks up to him to shake his hand. he whispers something in his head before dismissing him.

As the last one was arousing a kick thrill for Hogwarts. Robert knew he was not getting called. Until out of blue.

"Robert Miller!" Shouts Armando. Everyone claps loudly. But Robert was...Confused. At first, Heather clapped until she remembered that he didn't put his name in. She gripped on his shoulder looking.

"Robert, did you put your name in yesterday?" The boy shook his head. Everyone still loudly applauded him. 

"Come on Robert!" Says the Headmaster with his hand out. Then everyone went silent. Heather wanted to help but...She knew that if she interfered, she knew that it wouldn't do. So she gripped on his shoulder.

"Come on Robert...Come..." She says after struggling to lift him up. He slowly walks over to the Headmaster who trusted his way down to the place where everyone was. He followed the staircase down and there he stood. The room of accomplishments. The looks of Hogwarts looks far more interesting than having to see the justice of heroes above. Robert took in a huge gulp before walking in.

"Robert darling come on in!" Shouts the thrilled and excited newspaper writer, Wynona Farret. Her long red locks and horribly dressed outfits distracted her from her ageing face. She was a well-known article writer with a well-known type of writing. TO be fair, Robert and Heather didn't like her writing techniques thinking that they were odd to read in the newspapers.

Robert sighs walking up. The two other people were standing up in the middle confused.

"Ah! What a wonderful trio...I've been so excited to meet you three for the first time..." She shook everyone's hands in an awkward manner. She was rather weirder then quirky. Her yellow frames did not match her rumbunctious attitude nor her dress.

"Nevertheless...My name is Wynona Farret." Everyone kept silent. Robert stood nervously next to Elton who was too brave to be taken down by some weakling who was shorter than his frame. Robert was a giant when compared to Eddie. But to Elton, he was a dwarf.

"Now...Three different people with three different personalities...Tell what does that feel like...Starting...From..." She walks over to Elton twirling his hair. He felt uncomfortable so he turned his head fixing his hair.

"You." She pulls him aside but he neglected.

"How about from the shortest...I bet you could get answers out of him like squeezed grapes..." He says with a little smile. Charming yes but his personality seemed rough. Wynona looks at Robert with a gleam before nodding.

"Short one it is..." As she grips on his light blue coat and brought him to the nearest closet in the room. It was claustrophobic but it was something he has to deal with. Robert sits on a little chair as Wynona brought out her magical quill which strangely enough had little glasses. Robert frowned whilst squinting.

"So...Robert Sean Miller...How does it feel to be the next champion for Hogwarts?" Asked the lady in red. The boy kept silent keeping his eyes on the quill as it wrote down the questions. The woman slid her finger across his face to face him.

"I don't feel anything. I feel normal...I just don't want my friends to think of me differently." Says the boy. Wynona wrote.

"Good...How old are you Robert?" The boy feels uncomfortable.

"I'm fifteen..."

"And tell me...How tall are you? Your parents must be very proud of you but do you think you'll succeed but to think of you at this height...Who are you taking to the yule ball again?" Asked the woman. The boy looked offended.

"Excuse me...But those kinds of information is somewhat private to me and I shall not answer questions to people who asked rhetorical questions like you...Also...I'm one point seventy three thank you very much..." Wynona loved tragedy. She loves to write it down in her book information about juicy concepts even to a Ravenclaw. Not so cool an collected.

He walks out and goes straight to his room.

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