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"It's not just that...She kept on digging into my personal history and that's private too..." Heather sits across him from the table as they ate breakfast. The champion sitting next to his best friend. Everyone loathed him. It made his self-esteem go wild.

"Robert bare in mind, she's going to be here for the whole triwizarding tournament ...So she has to dig into our lives to make sure that we're alive...By the looks of it...Elton's already gained popularity..." Says with jealousy as she sees Elton being followed by a bunch of girls.

"Wait until you feast him in the tournament...They didn't even announce our first-" But then someone walks up to him. A Hufflepuff boy.

"Robert...You have to go quickly to the bridge! Now!" Says the boy. Robert looks at Heather who gave him a smile. Robert sighs before having to rush to the wooden bridge.

Robert rushed to the bridge and sees a note. The boy frowns before picking it up and opening it.

'Robert Sean Miller.

I have the clue for your first challenge...Meet me at night where the trees meet the cave...'

The boy frowns and starts to walk back to the common room. He grabbed his bag and rushed to the potion room.

Heather knew the first clue. She heard from the headmasters. Thanks to her cat. She made it look like she lost her. The two beings were very clever. She revealed to her that the first challenge was going to be flying beings and it needed to have broomsticks to get a golden egg. The real prize would have to be tonight where the magical beings would be revealed at night.

Heather rushed to her potions class with a messy and was sat next to Robert who shared his mystery about the letter to in which she had to keep secret.

"So...I've found this letter...They say that this person who I'm going to meet tonight will tell me the clue for the next challenge..." Says him. Heather nods.

"Rather quite important...Or shall everyone here says it...Odd." He laughs slightly. Robert followed the class until the next period where he bumped into someone. The person fell to the ground with hands filled with books.

"Sorry..." He says but if looks could kill...It was Edward. His ginger hair and the familiar face was angered by his look.

"Don't." He says walking past. Robert was taken back by this as his closest friend was acting weirdly as he rushed to charms class. He chuckled looking at Heather who shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know either why he was acting weirdly.

Later that night. Robert was now ready for the clue as he dressed up warm and cosy for the occasion. He rushed down trying not to get caught as he wore his black jacket. That was when. A hand tapped on his shoulder as he was far from the school. He screamed loudly but the person lays a hand on his mouth.

He opens his eyes smelling the aromatic smell of jasmine. Heather. He grips on her hand.

"Heather?! I t...I thought you were sleeping?!" Heather smiles. Her cat meowed at him.

"So you know?" Heather nods. She showed him the book that allowed her to listen to the conversation with a hex.

"Apparently you just cast a spell 'audite' and the living creature would be able to listen to any conversation." Robert looks at her.

"What? It was the reason why I came to help you...Now come before the show stops." She says tugging on his jacket. Robert yelped before following her.

"Luckily you wore something dark..." As they came near the scene. The two crouched down as they heard loud noises and hot air. Then they two heard the ear-splitting scream of a...

"Dragons?!" Robert says in fright. What has he gotten himself into? Heather looked over the bush and there it was. The firery, incognito vicious screaming figure of a dragon it was revealed.

"Merlin's beard..." There were three for three different people. He didn't want the dragon that just turned invisible and just breathed out the fire...He wanted something easy but...Nothing seemed tame or safe.

"That's competition..." That was when they both heard the crackling sound of someone walking behind them. The two gasped before hiding behind bushes far from the scene. What they didn't know, was that the crackling sounds were the Headmaster Dippet and Professor Dumbledore with each other. The two wanted to look at the dragons themselves seeing as the others weren't.

"What beautiful creatures..." says Professor as he stepped closer.

"Professor I think it's safe to say...Robert and the others will be competing with these dragons if possible." Says Headmaster. Dumbledore looks at him before nodding.

"Of course sir." Before scurrying off.

Heather Hussin and the Wardrobe of ParadoxesWhere stories live. Discover now