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Annie's POV

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Annie's POV

Today we had to wake up extra early since it's our last performance 😢. (Sorry I skipped a bit) but this is the sold out show, and we have a huge amount of people coming!

Performances by Jayden Bartels, Kenzie Ziegler, Johnny Orlando, Bad Zach, Indiana Massara, and Annie Leblanc and Hayden Summerall. Hosted by Paige Danielle, Hayley Leblanc, and Lauren Orlando.

I think it's up to 600-650 people there so it's gonna be crazy. Hayden stayed at my house in my room since it was easier for everyone since we came home at 3 am last night, it was more convenient.

I slid out of bed and hated myself for not sleeping in just a little more. I grabbed a water from my mini fridge and then brushed my teeth. As I was done, Hayden came up behind me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back then turned around to kiss him.

We then went outside and saw our parents with food. We all ate then went back to our rooms to get ready.

I changed into a white dress that hugged my body and had spaghetti straps. It had padding in the breast area like a bra and ended mid thigh. I wore a blue denim jacket but wore it off my shoulders, if ya know what I mean. I did my hair down in very light curls and my makeup a little bit more glam. I also wore a pair of white wedges.

Hayden wore a white shirt with a matching colored denim jacket to mine. He had black jeans on and his hair had locks since he showered. I showered before him since I finished eating before him.

I walked up to him and he hooked my waist and I threw my hands up to his neck. I kissed him with passion and he accepted and did the same.

We made out for a while until Hayley knocked on our door. "We're leaving in 10!" She yelled. Gosh, how in the world is she gonna be 11 in less than two weeks?

I grabbed my bag then my phone. Hayden grabbed his and we went out the door. In the way there, I was putting on my jewelry.

I had my friendship ring from Jayden, my Annie Lebling, and my Caleb necklace. Hayden placed the promise ring on me and I gave him a small yet passionate kiss, since my mom was in the car and so was hayley and Dylan Summerall.

We sat in the back of the car and the other cars followed.

Once upon arrival, everyone else who was performing was there. We all tried to set up and Jayden kinda re did my makeup. We all talked and helped with the sound system and decorated.

The stage was huge, not as big as like RYH since their had cheerleading, but it was big. We decorated with fairy lights, and the screen played a slideshow of all of us.

Ultimate VIP came and we did a q&a then did soundcheck. VIP came and we did meet and greets then did a bit of trivia as the adults were still fixing everything.

"What is our most viewed vlog on my family channel?" I asked then immediately someone shot their hand up. "Yes, what's your name?" I asked her.

"My name is Emily, and the most viewed vlog is 'I never wanna go to the park again' I believe." She said.

"Yup. Correct. Here is an Annie Lebling Braclet and let's add a Love Kenzie notebook palette?" I said then reached over to Hayden and he handed me it. "No babe, the other one." I whispered then earned awws. I handed her the palette and two bracelets.

"Here's a really hard one, I think." Hayden said. "When do you think me and Annie first started dating in 2017?" Hayden asked and even the other performers were stumped.

"Was it during Hawaii?" A fan asked.

"Nope." I said then so many people asked until one girl who never had her hand raised, raised her hand.

"Was it when y'all were filming 'Fly'?" Wow, someone got it.

Me and Hayden looked each other and smiled. "Correct." I said then Hayley gave me a basket full of all our merch. Everyone was in awe on how she got that.

We never specified when me and Hayden started to date. It was during the music video but we made it official to our friends and family on Halloween.

"Ok, y'all. This one is gonna be hard. Who do you ship most? Hannie, or Jenzie?" Hayley asked them and I wasn't planning on her asking this question. "With a show of hands, who do you ship. If you ship Hannie, raise your hand." Half the people raised their hands, including Hayden and Zach.

"Sorry bro, but Hannie is cuuuuuute!" Zach said to Johnny and I smacked Hayden's hand down.

"Now who ships Jenzie?" The other half raises their hands.

"That was close. Not at all really." Jayden said.

"It was 43 to 27." Hayley said.

"Let me find those 27 of y'all!" Hayden jokes then pretended to feel sad about it.

"Well, it was so good seeing y'all and getting to know you. But the shows about to start and we have to get mic-Ed up. Love y'all." We all went backstage and the people with normal tickets came in.

Zach went up first, then Indiana, followed by Jayden, Johnny, Kenzie, Hayden, then me, then Hayden and I.

I sang Thank you, next, then Stay, Ordinary Girl, And then The Middle, And LDYK.

Me and Hayden had choreo for LDYK since it was our last performance and we had backup dancers, aka Jayden and Kenzie.

When he sang, "I love you till the sun dies," he wrapped his arm around my waist then planted his lips on mine. We pulled apart after 7 seconds then the whole gang popped up.

Hayden still had his arm around my waist the whole time until we got off, he moved his arm to my shoulders.

We all ate, packed up, and I had to say bye too all of them, just not the Summeralls. Their house is getting renovated so Mr. Jimmy, Dylan, and Hayden are staying at my house.

Mr. Jimmy and Dylan are sleeping in the guest room and Hayden is sleeping with me. Gosh, every time I just, you know.

But I have to wait. Uh! It is torture!!!  I love Hayden and just because I'm 14, and 'FaMOuS' doesn't mean I can't do it with the one I love.

I truly love him and i know for sure I won't give my innocence to anyone else.

Kenzie almost had that mistake when she was going to give hers to Ashton but didn't do it because he was pressuring her too much. That's the opposite of Hayden though.

He's so kind and knows how much this means to me. He won't force it on me, especially since he hasn't done it before either.

I know he's not using me or anything like that because that's just not him, I know it isn't.

We both took a shower, I did first then him, we went out to the kitchen and saw pizzas so we ate and did the QOTD.

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