Chapter 14

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Heathers ♢ P.O.V

I was standing by my locker waiting for my friends to come and join me when I heard her. "Hey." I jumped a little, not expecting her here. Hell, I wasn't even expecting her to come near me during school hours. I continued to stare at her before my brain finally decided to work again. "What's up Camryn?" She frowns a bit, but I can't figure out why.

Did I make her angry? Does this have something to do with me finding her? What could I have done? While I was too busy mentally panicking, I didn't notice Sarah and Evan join us until I heard some rambling in the background. Finally zoning back in, I see Sarah's blonde hair bobbing as she got excited talking about whatever to Camryn. "So do you think you can come?" She says, practically jumping in excitement. I was close enough so I could hear Camryn wince slightly. I felt my face melt into a frown of its own. What's wrong with her? Is she hurt? Calm down, Heather. It is probably nothing.

Lucky for her, Camryn was saved by the bell. Students trudged through the halls to get to their first hour and soon, my friends joined the others in their slow walk to their respective classrooms. As soon as I went to join them, someone caught my sleeve. I turned back to Camryn, I had assumed she had already left. That's what she normally does, anyways.

She looks at me intently, making me wonder, yet again, if I did something wrong but, before I could ask, she spoke. "You can call me Cam, you know. We are...friends...afterall, aren't we?" Before I could say anything, the late bell rung, crap! She quickly let go of my arm and turned away from me and walked away from me. I smiled, accomplishment flashed through me as I hurried to class.

I caught her smile. It was a small one, but it was there. Not even the teacher yelling at me for being late could kill my smile.


Finally, the bell rang for my favorite period of the day, lunch. I quickly met up with Sarah as we raced to the cafeteria, Evan had to come from across campus while Sarah had her math class a few doors away from my third hour. We had to stand in line for what felt like forever to get a sad looking taco. I looked around and, conveniently, found a seat by Mark and the others. As soon as we sat down though, you could tell something was off with them. When we said our heys, all we got were meek hellos in response. And it only got worse when Camryn sat down.

Sarah, Evan, and I all shared a look, what happened to them? You could cut the tension between them with a Katana since it is so thick. They wouldn't even look at Camryn, let alone let her talk to them.

At some point, she seemed to not be able to take it anymore, slammed her hands on the table with a look of hurt flashing across her face before she grabbed her stuff and stormed out of the room. Her friends look at each other, guilt taking over their features.
"Good." I mumble. They look over at me with narrowed eyes.
"Excuse me?" Jesse spoke lowly when she addressed me.
"I said 'good' you guys totally deserve whatever made you mad at her because you guys are hurting her just the same. I may not know what is going on at your house, but I do know that you shouldn't just ignore her until your problem goes away. You have to talk about it." It doesn't look like they understood quite yet. It is like trying to make a beaver act like a dog, totally useless. I thought bitterly before I stood. "Where are you going?" Evan called. But this time, I didn't bother telling them where I was going, I just stalked out of the room with one goal in mind, to find Cam.


"You are one hard girl to find." I breathed out when I finally found her, she was in the library between the stacks of the Sy-Fy books reading Never Fade. It wasn't my first thought either, but here she was sitting here like it was nothing, like her friends aren't mad at her.

I walked cautiously over to her, like you would a wounded animal. Once I got to her, though, and she didn't push me away, I took that as a sign to sit down next to her. "Friends...can't get enough of them." She muttered bitterly after a few moments of silence.

"Well I think that they just care a lot about you which is why they are the way, why are they mad at you?" I question her, my curiosity getting the better of me. Cam bows her head and for a moment, I think she won't answer me.
"I have to go somewhere with uncle for his business." She says as she closes the book. I turned to her so quickly that I could be The Flash.
"Wait, what? That's why they are worried about you?" Well no wonder why they're mad, they will be thousands of miles apart! They are pretty much family and family is always overprotective...

I turn to look at Camryn again, ready to tell her my thoughts when she suddenly covered my mouth and got on top of me. Thrashing violently, I tried to get out from under her, nipping at her hand to let go. Finally, she moved her hand, "What the hell are you doing!" I yelled at her, still squirming under her. She put her finger to her lips, indicating the "shh" motion.

I was about to tell her off again when I heard them. My body froze in fear and I felt my heart start to beat wildly.
"Remember men, this mission is about finding the operations leader and take her out. Quickly!" Then the whole building shook.

The school was under attack.

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