Chapter 76

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(Third POV)

Weston College, a distinguished public school attended by the sons of aristocrats from all over Great Britain. And it is into this house of learning, where tradition and discipline reign, that I've stolen in order to investigate a certain matter. The issue is this- beginning with Derrick Arden, son of Duke Clemens, cousin to her majesty, the queen. A number of students have failed to return home to their families for quite some time. Weston college is an insular institution with which even the government can't interfere. What exactly is going on behind its guarded walls?, Ciel thought as he nearly stepped onto the grass...again.

"Oh, darn!" he quietly exclaimed to himself and moved his foot away and onto the stone path. "'Only the four prefects are allowed to cross the lawn'...was how the rule went, didn't it?"

He then continued onto his way to the main building that proudly stood tall among the others.

(Headmaster's Office)

The massive-spaced room was silent as the four prefects and a man stared at Ciel Phantomhive from where they stood or sat.

"It's been a whole day since you moved into your house. Are you getting situated, Phantomhive?" Greenhill asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If you don't feel like you're fitting into blue house, come to red house anytime." Redmond suggested with a smirk. "Someone of your status shall always be welcome."

"The headmaster alone retains the right to decide the house to which a student is assigned. There are no exceptions." Bluewer bluntly reminded to Redmond mostly.

"...Mm, well, all the houses are the same if you ask me." Violet shrugged, looking down at the ground.

"Our school is a prestigious public school protected by tradition and discipline. Now that you have entered its halls, we must ask that you obey its rules. Typically, the headmaster would be the one imparting his wisdom to you here, but as he is terribly busy, I shall act as his substitute. I am Johann Agares, vice headmaster." Johann Agares explained and introduced himself.

"In this school, the first and last word lies with the headmaster. And here, at school, his word is absolute. The headmaster has entrusted us prefects with complete autonomy herein. A rather disagreeable role, having all manner of tiresome matters forced upon us." Each of the prefects explained.

"That has been the tradition of our school since its founding. And..."

"...Tradition is absolute!" the prefects finished Agares's sentence.

"Do you vow to obey the code of our school and to observe our traditions and discipline?"

"I do." Ciel nodded.

"In that case, please sign here." Agares opened a book and steeped forward but slipped and did a flip, falling on his head then his back with a crash.

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