Chapter 17

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Both butlers stared each other down. A fencing sword in their hands.

"Well, pray, do go easy on me." Sebastian smirked.

"Here I come!!" Agni shouted as he took off at the other butler.

As Agni attacked the demon, Red was attending to Ciel's injury. Both men thrusted their swords near their faces, both dodging each attack. The swords swung, coming near their faces. Which in return, they both bent back as the weapons passed in front of their faces by an inch. From one final attack, the tips collided with one another. The weapons bent until they snapped in half.

Shocked faces appeared on every single person in the room when the butlers caught the broken blades.

"Oh dear. The blade is broken." Sebastian sighed.

"We cannot continue, then. This match is a draw." Agni stated.

Ciel stood in place, frozen from shock.

"Ciel's khansama fared pretty well!" Soma cheered.

'A draw!?', the young Earl thought.

"Agni's the best fighter in my palace. You are the first to fight equally against Agni!"

'He was fighting against Sebastian! ...That man held his own against a devil!'

"I like you! Ciel's khansama! I shall excuse you today in deference to your skills."

"I am most honoured." Sebastian bowed at the prince's words.

"Mister Sebastian, thank you for being my opponent." Agni said, smiling at the other butler.

"My pleasure. Mister Agni is a very quick study. I never would have guessed you were but a beginner."

Ciel had a sour look on his face from his butler kissing up to the Indian. Agni walked over to the boy and bowed apologetically.

"Lord Ciel. I apologise for my earlier actions. Does your arm still hurt?"


"I am glad!"

'Could he be...'

"Sebastian." Ciel motioned him over. Sebastian walked over. "What is that man?"

"Don't tell me he' Grell..." Red mumbled.

"No, he is human."

"I see..." Ciel let out a sigh of relief.

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