Chapter 36

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(Red's POV)

To say having a roommate was something is beyond me. I doubt I am going to get used to this. Whelp! Might as well make new friends!

I was currently following behind Snake as he led the way to his tent. I began to wonder the possibilities of what the circus had to gain from kidnapping children. I couldn't find a conclusion that could relate to them all, whatsoever. Sighing, my thoughts went elsewhere. Ciel must be highly uncomfortable right now, the only people he knows here are Sebastian and I. Now he has to room with someone he doesn't know.

Suddenly, I collided with something solid and warm. Looking up, I realized I bumped into Snake.

"I-I'm sorry!" I exclaimed as I took a few steps back. "I guess my mind wondered off."

"'It's all right', says Oscar." He replied as he opened the curtain to his tent, letting me inside.

Safe to say, there weren't as many snakes as I thought there'd be. Sure, there's about ten to eleven. But that's not a lot. Sitting on a bed with white sheets on the opposite side of one with black sheets, I looked up at the reptilian man.

"Since we are roommates, is it all right if you introduce me to your friends?"

Nodding, he stood in front of me and held up a snake that was black, white, and red. He spoke in a deep, yet calm voice.

"This is Emily."

So, he can speak..., I thought. It's a lot different than what I imagined.

He then held up an orange and white snake.

"This is Goethe."

Next, came a green snake.

"This is Oscar."

Then, a white snake and a white snake with gray spots.

"This Keates and Bronte."

A brown and tan snake slithered up onto my hand.

"That is Wordsworth."

Pointing to the snake on his shoulders.

"This is Wilde."

A large snake slithered in front of me, its fangs showing.

"He's Webster."

Finally, he held up a tiny white snake.

"And this is Donne."

Smiling, I said, "It's wonderful to meet you all, I hope we can be friends."

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