Chapter 19

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Ciel Phantomhive's P.O.V

While speaking with the matter of the case involving the Anglo-Indians with Lau, we discussed our plan to follow the prince and his supposed khansama. Unfortunately, Red could not come along considering the fact she had to spend time with Pluto.

"To expediate matters, you just have to trail them at night." Lau spoke in his clueless voice.

When night fell Sebastian, Lau, and I watched as Soma and Agni began to leave.

"Well, we're heading out, okay? Hurry to bed, little runt Ciel!"

I fumed at the idiot's words as he closed the door. The three of us headed out, following both of the Indians around London. We watched as they went into almost every shop and stopped every person in their path. I poked my head out from behind a wall as I observed them.

"By all appearances, they really are just trying to find someone, hmmm?" Lau questioned.

"In order to obtain information about someone in England, the first stop should always be the local pubs and clubs. They aren't doing anything out of the ordinary." I spoke, shivering from the winter air.

1 A.M.

"They will be returning to the town house shortly. Let us head back as well." Sebastian said as we made our way back.

Timeskip (3rd POV)

Night continued to grow darker as the young, still child-mannered, lord waited for his butler's return. More snow fell as the teenaged prince was in a deep slumber, his servant slowly closing the door to not disturb anyone's slumber.

Agni crept his way out into the night with his cloak wrapped tightly around his muscular frame, a frown etched onto his face.

"2:45 A.M." stated the demonic butler who peered down at the other servant like a vulture. "He is on the move, as expected."

Sebastian closed his pocket watch and walked to the edge of the roof; he then hung upside down to the opened window and stared blankly at his master and guests.

"Uh...Sebastian...may you enlighten me as to why you are hanging like that from the window like a bat?"

"Reasons, Miss Red. Young master, he is on the move"

"All righ-" Ciel started but was soon cut off.


Everyone in the room turned to the entrance of the door, only to see Soma.

"You...!" Ciel and Red exclaimed in surprise.

"Take me with you as well." The prince demanded. "I was aware that Agni would sometimes go out after I'd gone to bed. I want to know what he's up to."

Both teens looked at one another along with the other guests in the room and then turned back to the prince. Meanwhile, Sebastian eyed the prince with no emotion written on his face.

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