Chapter 52

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Red's POV

Everything was dark and cold. I'm not sure how long I've been here but the silence is awful. I've been walking since I woke up to this place but I've gotten nowhere. Growling out of frustration, a few curses came out until I lost it.

"This is pointless!! I have been wandering for who knows how long and I've come to nothing! I'm done! If nothing happ-!" I was then cut off by a book hitting me straight in the face. "What the ~CENSORSHIP~!?"

Looking at the book, I saw it was old looking and looked as if it'll fall apart. Opening it up to the first page, I got confused by the six words printed on it: All your questions shall be answered. Turning to the next page, I saw only two words: Look up.

Looking up, my eyes widened at the sight of someone I'd never expect to see in my entire life.

"Mother...?" I questioned carefully. Just because this woman claims to be my mother, doesn't mean it could be true. People are known to lie after all.

"Yes, my little one." She smiled softly.

"How are you here? Where is here?"

"We are in a place similar to the in-between. It's where humans are known to pass into different places where they die. I'm here as a guidance for you."

"Does...does that mean I'm..."

"No, not yet. But from what you drank, you could be. It's your choice."

"Uncle Adrian told me about you."

"So I've witnessed. He's become quite the father figure." She chuckled softly.

"He sure is." I smiled at her before I frowned. "Mother...what did you do be considered as treason..."

She grew silent for a few moments, staring at the empty space around us. Finally, she turned to me and began to speak.

"I was part of the Aristocrats of Evil, just as Adrian said...but after the time I departed...I went home, back to my your grandparents and other relatives."

"Your country? My relatives?"

"Ireland. I was born there as were you before I took you away to England. You had one uncle and one cousin." She frowned more as she continued. "Both from your father's side."

"My father? Is he-"

"Yes, he's alive. But he didn't want you when you were born. He wanted an heir to his estate and wanted a son. I refused to get rid of you, it led him to a threatening both of us. When I still refused, he paid his brother and some other men to "attempt" to kill the queen. He put the blame on me and your grandparents, which led to the treason."

"My grandparents...are they here?"

She looked at me with a look of sadness and I knew then, they were both gone.

"How?" I asked, trying to not become emotional.

"They helped me escape...but they weren't so lucky..."

"Of all went to could've lived, I could've had a mother! Why did you do it!?"

"I'd rather you live without me than live a life of always running."

I felt tears start to prick at my eyes, making me wipe them away.

"Do you have any idea what it was like to live without a mother? To have no one to talk to, to not teach you anything other women would do, live without a warm embrace of one?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? You're sorry? Sorry doesn't fix everything, mother. I lived with someone that always cared for me but would just up and leave for a week or even a month with no word to let me know they're alive, they're all right, or if they are even coming back! I lived with almost dying twice, now three times and suffering from a side effect that might change who I am! Are you happy with that!? Are you!?" I dropped to my knees as the tears finally came out. "How could you do that?"

It was silent for a few moments until I felt arms wrap around me in an embrace.

"Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." She spoke softly, petting my hair. "Please forgive me..."

I cried more, burying my face into her shoulder. She continued to comfort me as we sat in the empty space that was around us.

"Can this be the part where things start getting better?" I joked half-heartedly.

A sad chuckle came from her lips as she pulled back, wiping away the remaining tears on my face.

"You must choose now whether you'll go back or move forward. I won't be here again, but you'll see me again when you move forward."

I wanted to go with her...but...what about Ciel?

"I see your mind is already made up." She stated as she smiled sadly. "Do take care of him, his parents are worried enough as someone dead can get."

"Maybe the next time, Mother."

She smiled as she pulled me into a hug.

"I'll always love you, never forget that." She said softly as she placed a kiss on my forehead before everything went white.

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