Here I Go 11

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                It’s been six weeks since the dinner went down. And I haven’t spoken to my mom since then. I would stay in my room when Jack’s here. And when it’s only her, I would walk by without even a glance. I have been staying at Bella’s more. She didn’t mind.

                I grabbed my bags and keys off my bed and looked myself in the mirror. I looked like a wreck. Hopefully nobody else notice. I walked down the hallway trying to stay on my feet. But to be honest, I haven’t gotten any sleep in the last few days.

                I walked into the kitchen where my mom was making breakfast for Jack and Jayden. Jayden didn’t dare look. His eyes were glued to the phone. That hurt. “Good morning.” Jack said.

                I ignored him and walked over to get a bottle of water. “Jack’s talking to you Olivia. Stop being so rude.” My mom said putting a plate in front of Jack.

                “And who stopped you from being rude to dad…” I asked everybody turning to look at me. Even Jayden. “He told me stories you know.” I said smirking. “This is just another guy you’re going to walk away from because you’re ‘scared’ am I right? Like you did with dad?” I said and shook my head. “You’re pathetic” I said walking to the door.

                “Don’t talk to your mother like that.” Jack said.

                I turned to face him. “What are you going to do?” I asked, smirking. “Hit me? Jack… We both know… That isn’t going to happen.” I said walking out. I went into the living room and picked up my books.

                My mom stormed into the living room with Jack and Jayden behind her so they can stop the fight they knew was about to break out. My mom jerked my hand pulling me to a stop. She smacked me across my face and pushed me into the couch.

                “Your dad deserved what he got!” She hissed.

                “How can you treat someone that loves you like shit?” I asked shock by my mom’s hard tone. Tears were flowing down my face now. No matter how hard I tried to fight them back. They came anyways. “Mom, you’re evil.” I yelled. Her eyes narrowed and she smacked me again.

                I wasn’t going to hit my mom back. I was born better than that. But I wasn’t going to bit my tongue. Not this time. “Don’t talk to me like that!” She yelled grabbing my hair and tangling her fingers through and jerking my head back.

                I tried my hardest not to scream. The pain in Jayden’s eyes. The horror. But yet he wouldn’t stop this. “You need to start giving me more respect in my own house!” She yelled hitting me hard on my back making me fall off the couch and on to my knees.

                “Enough!” Jack yelled pulling my mom away from me. “She’s just a kid. She’s going through a lot.” He said pointing at me. “You didn’t have to hit her like that.” My mom busted out crying and ran up to her room slamming the door.

                I touched my lip and found that it was bleeding. No doubt about it that my face was probably redder then a red cup. “Thank you.” I said looking at Jack. Jack wasn’t my biggest fan. But he deserved my respect. He came over to me and helped me to my feet.

                “I’m so sorry for all of this. I just…..” He said stopping to look for the right words. “I’m in love with your mother.” He said.

                I nodded. “I would kill for something like that.” I said, looking at Jayden. “Someone who sticks up for their lover.” Now I looked at Jack. “But the things I said about her were true. I wouldn’t lie. Pretty soon she’ll drop you like an old bag. And she’ll go fine herself a new bag to show off.” I flinched at the pain that was now starting on my head. “I got to go.” I mumbled. And left without looking back at the house.

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