"Wait, you called Amos?! Why?!" Circo asked.

I pointed at Steven, "HE called Connie, and Amos happened to pick up. Don't assume it was me."

Circo rolled his eyes and Pearl said, "But where could Peridot be broadcasting a signal that strong?"

"There's only one place," Garnet said. She turned to Steven, Circo and I, saying, "You should go get Lion, Astra, and Sora."

We all nodded, running down the stairs and out of the house. Steven ran under the house to get Lion. Circo and I went towards the shore of the beach. We looked up and saw two large birds, circling and flying around in the air. I put two fingers to my mouth and whistled loudly. Circo rubbed his ears as both birds circled and came in for landing. I ran over to Astra and gave her a big hug.

"Hey there girl," I said, backing up. "You ready for a little flight?"

She cawed in excitement and lowered her wing so I could climb on. I climbed on her back, just as Circo climbed on Sora's back. The gems came out and climbed on Lion's back. Steven went into Lion's mane and I said to Astra, "Follow Lion, okay?"

She seemed to understand because when Lion started running, she took flight. Sora and Circo were right behind us when Lion made his portal. Astra cawed and a blue sound waved echoed from her beak. I clutched her neck as she spun rapidly, closing her wings to her side through the ring. Once through the ring, everything blurred and turned a bright shade of blue. She cawed again, spinning through the second ring. Once through the second ring, she stopped spinning, opening her wings again and slowly her flight down. Circo was close behind, and soon enough, Astra and Sora landed right next to lion.

"Good girl," I said, patting Astra. She cooed in delight and I hopped off her back. Circo and I walked over to Garnet, just as she said, "It's just as I feared."

We all looked up at the communication hub. Before, Sugilite had taken it down by destroying it. But now, it was partially working, not as good as before, but sill working. Pearl looked up and said, "It looks like Peridot somehow repaired the Communication Hub. Well, at least some of it."

" So... we just gotta wreck it up again, right?" Steven asked. He turned to Amethyst, with a big smile on his face. "You guys should form Sugilite!"

Circo and I shivered and Pearl looked upset. The last time Sugilite was around, it resulted in disaster.

" Yeah... Well, it's up to Garnet, I guess," Amethyst said. She looked at Garnet, smiling. "What do you say? Shall we mash it up?"

"No," Garnet said. Everybody looked surprised, Amethyst most of all. "But, don't we need to be huge like last time?" she asked, sounding upset and confused.

"Last was a disaster," Garnet explained. "Last time we fused, Sugilite went berserk. It's because of her that we can't even warp here anymore." At this, Garnet took off her visor, looking at Amethyst. "I can be brash, you can be reckless. And we can both get carried away. So, for the time being," she put her visor back on, still looking at Amethyst. "Sugilite is benched.

"What we need now is to be careful." Steven gasped, and my eyes grew wide. Did that mean what I think it meant? Garnet walked over to Pearl, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's you and me, Pearl," Garnet said. "Let's fuse."

Pearl was so surprised by this statement that she started to tear up. "Don't cry, Pearl," Garnet said. Pearl struggled to keep her act together but took a deep breath, managing too. Garnet smiled, "Come on, let's do this"

"I'm right behind you," Pearl said, following Garnet. Amethyst looked upset and sat next to Lion, as Steven sat down excitedly, chanting "fusion! fusion!"

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