Not what I Thought

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Circo hands were curled in fists and I could see steam coming off of them. As the gems and the three of us started looking around, Circo and I started looking around in a different direction. Circo seemed distracted and I said, "Everything okay?"

"I know what that other gem is," Circo said, sounding irritated.

"Did you see it's gem?"

"N-no, but I can tell that she is an Onyx."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Circo, you need to calm down. If your so hot headed, then you won't be able to focus in a fight."

Circo sighed and said, "Your right. I just....need to sit down."

Circo sat on a rock, and held his head in his hands. "You go on ahead," he said. "Just give me a minute to relax."

I nodded, deciding to give him some space. As I walked ahead, I tried to recall what the gem looked like. But the memory was foggy since I was mostly fighting Jasper at the time and couldn't really focus on anything else. The memory of the fight sent shivers down my spine. She had nearly broken me; both physically and emotionally. she had threatened my friends and hurt Lapis. She broke my mother's bow, leaving me nearly defenseless, and now she has taken my sister away from me. Tears welled up in my eyes as these thoughts came. I sniffled and wiped my tears, unaware of who was above me, sitting on a rock.

"So, humans do cry, interesting," I heard. I froze and looked up. Sitting on a rock, was a very curly haired girl. She wore black goggles, along with a black jacket. The jacket was zipped up so I couldn't see the shirt she was wearing. She wore a yellow scarf around her neck, along with black jeans, and combat boots. From the skin I could see, it was an ashy gray.

I stood ready to fight her. She smiled and said, "Oh I don't want to fight you."

I lowered my guard, confused. "You don't?"

The girl laughed and said, "Wow, you actually believed that." Suddenly, quicker then my eye could see, a knife flew past my cheek, and I felt a sting. I gasped and touched my cheek; she had thrown a dagger and cut my cheek. She seemed to study me and say, "Not too quick though. The average moonstone would've reacted much quicker."

"Like you would know," I growled, reaching for my container of water. The girl raised an eyebrow, suspicious of what I was going to do. With in the next couple of seconds, I had popped the cap off of my water container, and shot the water out at the girl. It clamped around her arm and jerked her forward. She screamed and fell flat on her face as she came off the rock.

I raised my hand and lifted her above the ground so she was eye level with me. Surprisingly, she was much shorter then I thought when she was at eye level with me. I glared at her and said, "I wonder what you look like without those goggles."

"No, no!" she panicked, struggling against the water's grip on her wrist. "Wait, please!"

I didn't listen though and used my other hand to move the water that was left in the container to remove the googles. The goggles ripped off from her face and fell to the ground. I was expecting to see cold dark eyes, full of annoyance or anger.

Instead, I was faced with silvery gray eyes, filled with fear.

The girl stared at me with fear and slight anger, but mostly with fear. Her eyes kept darting around, trying to find some place to run. "Your...." I started. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide and she swung her body at full force to the right, barely missing a fireball blast that came right at her. I spun around and saw a very angry Circo, holding up a steaming hand where a fire blast had come from. The girl I was holding started squirming, trying to break lose from the hold of the water.

Child of the MoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz