Hanging with Friends

Start from the beginning

I sighed, getting back to work. It'll keep me distracted.

-Time skip!-

"Even my calluses have calluses," Steven moaned.

"Your telling me," I said, leaning against his bed. Circo nodded in agreement next to me. We all sighed; today had been pretty busy with the clean up, and now, we were all tired and were relaxing while talking to each other. We thought about watching TV, but Steven is still grounded, so that was out of the idea list. I looked out the window and stared at the stars. Now that I think about it, I wonder how the Star people are holding up?

Just then, I saw something hit the window. It was about the size of a rock, but it wasn't a rock. It hit the window again and this time, Steven and Circo saw it too. "Was that...pizza?" Steven asked. Steven went to the window and gasped, "Guys look!"

Circo and I got up and looked. Outside in front of Steven's house was Buck and Sour cream. Buck was holding a pizza box and Sour cream was throwing pieces of it at the window to get our attention. Sour Cream saw us and motioned for us to come outside. We all looked at each other, before I decided to head out the door. Steven and Circo followed behind me as we walked towards them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, when I reached them.

"And why are you making it rain pizza?" Steven asked.

"I wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rain," Buck said. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Sour Cream for a serious answer.

"It's time to hang out," he said.

"We can't hang out at night!" Steven said. "Night is for dreaming!"

"Night is whatever you want to make it," Buck said.

"Jenny and A are waiting for us anyway, so we need an an-"

"Sure!" I interrupted before he finished. Everybody stared at me and I cleared my throat. "I mean, sure why not?"

"Okay, let's hang out!" Steven said excitedly. Circo nodded, although he had raised an eyebrow towards me again.

"But first we need to drop this pizza off to Mr. smiley," Buck said. We all went with Sour Cream and Buck to deliver the pizza. Once we did, and made it out of there without Mr.Smiley getting any of us, we went to go meet up with A and Jenny. When we got there, both were laughing as if somebody just said a joke. A looked up and saw us, "Hey guys!"

"Hey!" we all said.

"So, we got a slight problem," Jenny said. "We only have enough room in my car for five people."

"So two of us will have to stay," said Circo.

"I can get my motorcycle and I can take one person with me," A said. He then placed his arms over my shoulders and said, "How about it Luna?"

I felt my face warm up, but I nodded, agreeing with A. Suddenly, I felt somebody grab my wrist and heard Circo say, "Whelp! That would take too long wouldn't it?"

"No it wouldn't if A left now," Jenny said. A let go of me and said, "I'll be right back guys!" He then quickly ran off in the direction of the Car Wash. I stood their, watching him run. I felt a tug on my wrist and Circo whisper, "Quick, we can leave while we still have a chance."

"Why?" I asked. "It'll be fun."

"I don't like that guy," Circo said, turning to me. "He's suspicious."

"No he's not. Just chill, Circo."

"He has an ear piercing."

"That doesn't make him a bad guy."

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