Scabs on my scalp, burning my roots
And when it's all over, god-damn, I'll look cute
Splittin' my ends, purple shampoo
Then I think I might be ready for you
I was born to be blonde, I was raised by my mom
She was made for the job, she's a saint like Laurent
I was born to be blonde, can't tell me I'm wrong
I was born to be blonde, I'm gettin' bored of this song

My band goes ham on their solos after I finish off and my backup singers continuing singing and I begin to dance a little on the stage. I move around swiftly and then look into the crowd hyping them up. As I continue dancing to the solo I look into the buildings of Star City and spot a light reflecting off from what could be the scope of a sniper on top of a roof. I stop dancing and begin to draw more attention to it and then hear someone in the crowd shout, "There's a dot on your chest!"

I look at my chest and then suddenly I hear the sound of the sniper. The bullet doesn't impact me fast enough and I look over to my side seeing Diggle tackling me into the ground. As Diggle tackles me, I see the bullet pierce right through his shoulder.

I lay in the ground and look over Diggle bleeding out. I rise up from the ground and watch the crowd scream and run away. My band members evacuate and I quickly look at Diggle checking on him.

"Go! Get the shooter!" Diggle says being okay and not wanting me to worry about him. I take his order and look at the same rooftop to see the scope being moved and the building isn't that far away. I ditch Diggle and jump off the stage running towards the building and interrupting traffic as I run through busy intersections.

When running down an avenue a giant black SUV drives fast towards me and I scream at it causing it to crush itself. Another SUV comes from behind and surrounds me stopping in front of me. It lets out a group of 5 League of Assassins ninjas and I get angry.

They all attack and I quickly block their moves and use them against each other. I grab on to their swords and slice open cuts on them and knock the others out. Crowds of people run away screaming as I have a new challenge trying to bring these ninjas down. I kick them in the face and one of them swipes their sword on to the sleeve of my $2,000 custom made Dior blazer.

"Now you've really pissed me off." I say to the ninja and scream at him throwing him against a car. "SCCCCCREEEEEEEEEEEE." I look at all the ninjas on the floor knocked out and walk towards one and grab him by the collar throwing him against the crushed SUV. "Talk or I'll shove your sword so far up your ass." I threaten the ninja and he doesn't. I get ready to scream until I see a arrow fly towards me but then a sword slides down in front of me blocking it from killing me.

I look over at my shoulder and see Deathstroke standing in full gear and armor besides me. "Saved you... again." He says and I bash the ninja's head into the SUV car knocking him out. We both stand together and from all this chaos we spot the hooded Ghost Archer standing a couple feet from us.

"He's mine." I say pickpocketing one of Slade's weapons from his belt and run towards the Ghost Archer. I use Slade's weapon which is actually a wire and jump on to a car bouncing on it and kicking the Ghost Archer's bow from him. I climb on to his shoulders and wrap my legs around his neck and then begin to choke him out with the wire.

The Ghost Archer begins to struggle and grabs on to my thighs holding it tight trying to throw me off. I wrap my legs around him tighter not budging to move. The Ghost Archer quickly slams himself against a car and I lose balance and he grabs on to my blazer and throws me on to the opposing car.

I crash onto the window of the car and quickly roll over to the ground as he walks towards me. The Ghost Archer reaches for his riffle and aims it at me and shoots but I quickly reflect the bullet with my silver gauntlet underneath my sleeve and the bullet ricochets into the shoulder of the Ghost.

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