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(Randomly thought of that song and Mormor, don't ask.)
(Its not really connected to this oneshot, I just wanted to share this lmao)

Jim, for once, was nervous. He kept looking in his bedroom mirror, making little adjustments to how he looked and then undoing what he just did.

He shut his eyes, taking a few deep breathes.

Sebastian will be home soon,  Jim thought, biting his bottom lip.

He heard the door lightly creak open, signalling Sebastian was home.

Jim took in one final breath, keeping a straight face and a calm attitude as he walked up.

Sebastian glanced over at him, wiping blood away from a cut on his lip. "Hey boss."

Jim raised an eyebrow at him, "you alright?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah." Sebastian waved away Jim's concern. "Just got into a fight on my way home."

"Mmm." Jim rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Who'd you piss off this time?"

"Bold of you to assume I pissed someone off," Sebastian snorted, grinning a bit.

Jim crossed his arms, grinning a little. "I know you, Sebastian. You've probably got loads of people mad at you."

Sebastian chuckled a little, shaking his head, "you know me too well, boss."

Jim shrugged a little, dropping the subject of the fight Sebastian got into.

His sniper obviously won the fight, as he always did.

"Anyway," Sebastian changed the subject, "you're dressed up nice."

"I always dress nice, Moran."

"Nicer than usual, I mean. Meeting with someone special?"

Jim shook his head, uncrossing his arms.

"So why're you dressed up all nice?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I dress to impress," Jim mumbled.

"Well, I'm impressed."

Jim's gaze flew back to Sebastian's eyes, his own wide.


"I said I'm impressed."

"Is that a compliment?"

Sebastian snorted a little, nodding.

"Um, thanks, I guess." Jim mumbled, averting his gaze and praying his cheeks weren't ruby red.

Sebastian leaned against the counter nearby, glancing at the time. "Why are you up so late?"

"Hm? Oh, I lost track of time." Jim glanced back to his sniper.

"Mmm." Sebastian nodded, his bangs shifted at the notion to cover his icy blue eyes.

Jim bit his lip, trying to think of how to word his next few sentences.

"I've actually got something to tell you."

Sebastian pushed his bangs back, raising an eyebrow. "Hm?"

Jim took a small step closer, biting his lip again. "It's about, um, us."

Sebastian pushed himself away from the counter, slightly concerned. "Jim, is everything okay?"

Jim glanced up at him, cursing the small couple of inches that made Sebastian taller. "Yeah, everything's fine."

"So what do you need to tell me?" Sebastian lightly rested a hand on Jim's shoulder.

The gentle touch made Jim loose his train of thought, getting lost in Sebastian's deep blue eyes. He swore he could see flecks of green in them.

"God, you're beautiful," Jim mumbled softly.

That surprised Sebastian, "what?"

"You. You're beautiful, it's driving me crazy." Jim took a step closer, his heart pounding.

This confession wasn't going how he planned but that didn't matter.

"Boss...?" Sebastian mumbled, his tanned cheeks tinted a gentle pink.

"Gods, I'm so in love with you."

Sebastian took a few minutes to understand what was just said to him. When he figured out this wasn't a dream but real life, he wiped away any remaining blood from his cut lip before smashing his lips against Jim's.

The feeling of Sebastian's lips against his made Jim's heart sing, closing the gap between their bodies, tangling his fingers in Sebastian's hair.

The sniper's arms wrapped around Jim's waist, humming a little in the kiss.

Jim smiled briefly against the kiss when he figured out what Sebastian hummed before deeping it.

"Love you too, boss."

A/n: Whoa, a oneshot with a plot and is a lot of words.

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