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(Kinda angsty? I'm not sure?? What is my life???)

Ever since Jim came back from the dead, Seb would get nightmares of his boss actually dying. This would result in him either waking up in the morning crying, snapping awake suddenly and not sleeping afterward, or being somewhat clingy to Jim for the rest of the day.

Jim would be slightly annoyed by his tiger's clingyness, but that was mainly because he didn't know why. Whenever he asked, Seb wouldn't answer.

One night, Jim awoke to Seb crying. Alaramed and concerned, he invesigated.

"Tiger? You okay?" Jim softly asked. Seb looked at his alive boss, tears blurring his vision.

"Yeah, I'm fine boss. Go back to bed." he mumbled.

"Idiot. You're crying, which normally means someone is not okay." Jim shook his head. "Come on Sebastian...what's wrong?"

"Just a nightmare." Seb mumbled.

"Aw, Seb." Jim sighed, figuring out what the nightmare was. He sat next to Seb, and tugged him into a hug. Seb sobbed gently on his shoulder, one hand over Jim's heart to feel his heart beat.

"Don't you dare pull a stunt like that again." Seb growled.

"I promise Sebby." Jim mumbled. "I'll stay with you tonight, alright?"

Seb nodded, his normally hard personality a gooey mess of emotions.

Jim carefully layed next to Seb, hugging him tight.


"Yeah tiger?"

"...you already know what I'm gonna say." Seb mumbled into Jim's chest, his tears slowly fading away.

"I like to hear you say it though. It makes it more...meaningful." Jim shrugged slightly.

"I need, want, and love you." Seb mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I know, Moran. I need, want, and love you too."

After that, Jim never let Seb sleep alone. It was only when Jim was there with him that Seb could sleep well.

Mormor Oneshots *OLD WRITING*Where stories live. Discover now