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(Takes place after these idiots got into an argument-not sure if it'll be angsty, but I'll just put a "could be angst" warning I suppose.)

The room was filled with a sharp, stabbing tension. Neither spoke for a while, but subtly and slowly made their way closer to each other.

Sebastian glanced at Jim, not sure which words would be right to say.

Jim glanced at him as well, feeling the same way.

Gazes slowly lowered down to lips, then back up to eyes.

Sebastian leaned over to gently kiss Jim, an apologetic kind of kiss.

He didn't expect the kiss to be returned almost hungerily, passion pouring into him like a waterfall.

He returned the fiery passion, moving closer.

Long, passionate kisses, with small breaks of air in between, was what ended their fights.

A/n: I'm currently rethinking my life.

Mormor Oneshots *OLD WRITING*Where stories live. Discover now