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(Angst because, uh, fück emotions)

Jim gently tugged on one of Sebastian's huge sweatshirts, feeling the soft fabric brush against his skin. It felt similar to any touch Sebastian would give him.

Soft, gentle.

The sweatshirt still had his scent. Cheap cologne, smoke, and the outdoors.

Jim choked back a sob, hugging the huge shirt around himself tighter.

-flashback because, uh, plot reasons-

"Hey, Bastian?"

"Yes love?"

"Can I...borrow some of your sweatshirts?"

Sebastian chuckled softly, "yes, Mori, you can."

Jim smiled, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, chèri!"

"Anytime, babe."

-end of flashback because I'm a lazy-

Jim took in a shaky breath, burying his face in his sleeve covered hands.


All the memories Sebastian gave him ran in his head like an endless film.

But it had an end.

A horrible end that he ached to change.

-another flashback, but its angsty-

Jim answered the call when he saw it was Sebastian. "Yes, darling?"

"Hey Jim. I'm, uh, not gonna make it home tonight." Sebastian mumbled.

"Is everything okay?" Jim asked, getting up.

"Yeah. Everything's fine-fück-don't worry, chèri."

"You're hurt."

"I'm not-damnït!"

Jim shook his head, starting out the door. "Where the hell are you?"

"Jim, I can handle it."

"Tell me where the hell you are, Moran."

"...I'm at my old apartment."

Jim nodded, starting in that direction. "Don't go anywhere."

"Only place I'm going is to the Underworld, sweetheart, I'm sorry."

Jim's heart nearly stopped, unlocking the apartment door. "Don't fücking say that."

He hung up as he stepped inside, rushing to Sebastian's side.

Sebastian looked up at him, splatters of blood on his face. "Sorry."

Jim shook his head, trying to find the wound.

"Where are you hurt?"

"Jim, go. I don't want you to see me like this," the sniper mumbled.


Jim's stern tone only made Sebastian smile through his burning pain.

"Just...just talk to me."

Jim bit back another snap of concern. "What about?"

"Anything," Sebastian mumbled, a soft whimper of pain breaking his voice.

Jim took a deep breath, his heart sinking. "Have...have I ever told you why I love you so much?"

Sebastian smiled a little more, "multiple times."

Jim gave him a shaky smile, "everything about you."

"I love you too, Jim."

Jim swallowed his tears, his hand trembling a bit as he ran his fingers through Sebastian's still soft hair.

"I love it when you do that." Sebastian mumbled. "I love when you're always there for me."

"I always will be, my strong Sebastian." Jim whispered.

Tears poured down his face now.

Sebastian's breathing was slowing down a bit. "Jim?"

"Yes, my darling?"

"Don't forget me, okay?" Sebastian whispered. "Don't forget me like everyone else I've ever loved did."

"How can I forget the man who gave me everything?"

Sebastian smiled weakly. "Smile for me, one last time?"

Jim shakily smiled, his vision blurred with tears.

Sebastian smiled back, taking in one final breath. "The smile of an angel..."

"Bastian?" Jim whimpered out after a while. "Sebastian. Gods, please, no."

He didn't hold back loud sobs, his shoulders shaking.

"Bastian, please. Angel, darling, chèri...come back to me, please!"

His pleas were left to hang in the air, tears splattering on the ground.

-end of flashback (I'm so sorry)-

Jim didn't notice he was crying.

His body shook from his sobs, memories of Sebastian's smile, his laugh, everything Jim cherished and needed in life running through his mind.

Memories of Sebastian humming them both to sleep, clinging to Jim before falling asleep, and the soft "I love you"s he'd murmur before falling asleep just made more tears flow.

His gentle laugh, his smooth voice, his loving chuckles, and his "I love you"s rang in Jim's ears like a bell in a bell tower.

Each memory caused more tears to stain the sleeves, until eventually they stopped.

A/n: I'm actually crying from this, why did I write this?
Anyway, hope you enjoyed some sweet sweet angst~

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