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(I wanted to do a cool au thing and I chose Beauty and the Beast. It could've been Alice in Wonderland but nah)
(Jim as the Beast and Seb as Belle because...idk. Also, Jim isn't like..an actually beast in this? He's nicknamed this bc he's a scary lil boyo)

Seb spotted the castle and shivered from the cold. His thin cloak wouldn't help the retired assassin against the cold, so he'd have to risk going into James Moriarty's castle.

The "beast" of the kingdom. Rolling his eyes, Seb marched up the steps.

"And you are?" a voice suddenly said from next to him. Seb jumped, nearly slipping down the steps. Someone caught his waist, preventing him from a horrible fall.

"Sebastian Moran, sir."

"The assassin?" the man asked, letting go of Seb's waist.

"Yes, sir." Seb nodded. "Well, ex-assassin."

"Ah, you've retired?" the man asked, curious.

"Yup, although I'd do some jobs for the right price." Seb started to suspect that this man was the prince. Why else would he be here, ya know?

"And what may this price be, Moran~?" the prince asked, dropping his hood.

"A place to stay is enough for me at the moment," Seb answered, bowing deeply. The prince pretended to think about it. He lifted Seb's chin carefully, smirking.

"Very well, Moran. Come inside," the prince waltzed into his castle, leaving a somewhat confused Seb to follow.

-time skip ahead like a couple years-

"A ball?" Seb raised an eyebrow at Jim's announcement.

"Yup! You have a suit in your wardope, tiger." Jim grinned, humming softly to himself.

"Alright, your highness." Seb bowed his head slightly. "Sounds fun."


Seb tugged on the golden shirt with a soft sigh. Dressing nice wasn't his favourite thing but...

Seb scowled, shaking his head. Forget about the prince. Seb would be leaving soon anyway.

"Do I want to leave..." Seb muttered. Better business opportunities...were they worth it?

Jim's smile and laugh suddenly popped into his head. Seb squeezed his eyes shut, trying to forget the images. They didn't leave, making the assassin scowl even more.


Seb waited for Jim to show up, biting his lip. He decided to stay.

Not because of the prince...well, not completely.

Seb finally spotted Jim and sucked in a breath. The prince wore a gold dress shirt and a darl blue coat over it.

He looked gorgeous.

"You look...nice." Seb mumbled, wincing at how idiotic he sounded.

"Thank you, Moran. You look nice as well," Jim chuckled, taking Seb's hand.

Seb smiled a little, his heart skipping a beat when Jim grabbed his hand.

"We don't have any music, sir." Seb reminded the prince.

"Shh, make it up as we go." Jim chuckled, taking the lead.
Seb followed Jim's lead, careful to avoid stepping on the prince's feet.

"I've decided about that other offer I was given." Seb quietly said.

"Oh? And?" Jim asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"I'm staying. I'd rather be with you instead of someone else." Seb answered, shutting his eyes. "Besides, nothing can beat working for the damn prince."

"Heh, that's true." Jim chuckled. "Glad you're staying instead of leaving. I'd be lonely without you."

"That's another reason I'm staying. I hate the thought of you being lonely." Seb admitted, lifting his gaze.

"How kind of you, thinking about a beast like me." Jim smiled sadly.

"You aren't a beast. No fangs." Seb chuckled.

"Very funny, my beauty." Jim snorted. "But I like being called a beast. Feels empowering."

"Ah, I see." Seb nodded. "I suppose I'd want to be called a beast as well if I was in your position."

"If I'm the beast," Jim grinned, "then you're my beauty."

Seb blinked, processing the prince's words. It suddenly clicked that Jim was flirting with him.

"I'm glad to call you my beast then." Seb responded, quirking an eyebrow.

"Ooo, a smooth talker~" Jim teased, dancing on tip toes.

Seb grinned, tightening his grip on the prince's waist to keep him from falling. Jim stared at Seb, his eyes flicking down to his lips.

Seb pretended to not notice, his face heating up slightly.

"How long have we been dancing for, sir?" Seb asked, leaning closer.

"For a bit, I suppose. Our song never ends." Jim murmured.

"Our song never ends...I like the sound of that." Seb chuckled. Jim smiled, glancing around the room.

"I'm going to kiss you." Jim announced. Seb blinked, his cheeks turning the color of a pink rose. Jim laughed before lightly pecking Seb's lips.

A/n: Honestly proud of this one so-

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