Chapter 2

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Due to the tumultuous occurrences encircling them, a young wolf, still naive about her surroundings, embarks on a journey to comprehend her lineage. Liba, the last descendant in Bardos' line of heirs, harbors aspirations of assuming leadership in the future.

"My child, remember that noble choices do not always lead to demise-continue what I have begun; you will epitomize a commendable pack and bestow certitude upon them," Bardos murmured as he and his daughter gazed at the starry night sky.

The fateful day came when a fellow wolf, challenged Bardos' leadership, and after engaging in a traditional fight during a full moon, perpetrated the murder of Liba's father. Their race suffered a definitive blow, and a new leadership materialized under the guidance of Bardos' erstwhile ally, Aragon.

Eventually, Aragon became the consort of Bardos' orphaned daughter, usurping her rightful ascendancy to the position of the pack leader. "Henceforth, you will acknowledge my power! Those who oppose me will face unbearable repercussions ," Aragon declared.

As Liba grappled with the weight of her father's untimely demise and the imposition of a new, authoritarian regime, she sought comfort in the memories of Bardos' teachings and the values he had instilled in her. With each passing day, the desire to reclaim her birthright and restore the pack's values burned more fiercely within her heart.

One moonlit night, as the pack came together for a communal hunt. Aragon moved toward Liba with an imperious aura. "Liba, remember your place in this pack. You will submit to my authority or face dire consequences."

"Your authority is not legitimate, Aragon. It is built upon treachery and betrayal," Liba retorted with a steely resolve.

A current ruling had been established by the authorities of Aragon, granting him the power to eradicate anyone who dared to encroach upon their territory, namely the entire Sitio Santo Domingo. The scarce resources of the area made it easy for the wolves to dominate the human population, but a faction of the villagers had clandestinely prepared for their impending arrival.

As the villagers huddled in skepticism, Concepcion, a defiant young woman, stood up and addressed the crowd. "We cannot allow these beasts to rule over us! We must unite and resist!"

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, with some nodding determinedly. "But how can we fight against such formidable creatures?" one of the older men inquired.

"We may not have fangs and claws, but we have strength in numbers and the will to protect our home," Concepcion replied, her eyes blazing with decision. "We will find a way to drive them out and reclaim what is rightfully ours."

"We cannot allow these beasts to conquer us! Are we to become their prey? Let them transform us into their kind-mere puppies?"

"They must be driven out of this land! Banish the werewolves! Banish them!"

Meanwhile, Lolo Efren expressed concern about the escalating wolf attacks in certain areas in the entire village, cueing him to contemplate returning to the mountains in search of Bardos. Unknown to him, Bardos had already succumbed to the new pack leader, Aragon.

"Pardon, I have come to seek an audience with your leader, my friend, Bardos," Lolo Efren called out as the wolves designated to keep watch in the heart of the forest spotted him. The wolves exchanged puzzled glances before guiding him to where Aragon was waiting.

However, Lolo Efren sensed the unyielding intensity of the wolves' piercing stares fixated on him as if they were poised to pounce and devour him at any given moment.

"Chief Aragon, the old ally of Bardos, has returned. He seeks an audience with the former leader. I doubt he will be keen on befriending you, for he may end up finding shelter within your belly, esteemed leader," one of Aragon's loyal followers informed him.

The wolves erupted in raucous laughter at their companion's words, but their laughter only sealed the fate of those who dared to mock their leader. "Enough! While you amuse yourselves, I shall attend to the insignificant wolf now kneeling before me," Aragon commanded.

"We apologize, chief! It won't happen again," they all echoed, bowing in trepidation.

The wolves' bravado withered as they feared the repercussions of Aragon's steps, recognized by the fate of their cohort. Thus, they silently trailed behind him, cowed by the potential consequences.

With his wife, Liba, by his side, Aragon approached Lolo Efren. The old man nervously began to explain his plans to the wolves, but when he received the news of Bardos' death, a sense of fear began to grip him in the presence of Aragon, while everyone paid tribute to their new leader.

"Chief, I came to talk to my friend Bardos. I regret his loss. Despite this, I want to ask you about what is happening in our neighborhood. Santo Domingo is only a small village, and yet people are being killed all over the place. For what reason are you doing this?" Lolo Efren asked fearfully.

"Aragon, you don't need to frighten Lolo Efren. He's still a friend of our race. And more than that, he's not doing anything wrong," Liba interjected as Aragon playfully teased the old man. Aragon faced Lolo Efren eye-to-eye, causing the old man's knees to tremble even more, and even Liba felt fear for her father's friend. "Aragon, stop that!" she said, trying to calm the tense situation.

Aragon ceased mocking Lolo Efren with a menacing gaze and proceeded to divulge information that only served to heighten the old man's fear, especially for Liba and the future offspring she was carrying.

Aragon said, "Our kind must secure the resources essential for our survival-our physical strength, shelter, and most importantly, our sustenance." In response, Lolo Efren remained composed, quietly observing the actions of a wolf hungry for the blood of an insignificant man like himself.

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