Chapter 34

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"This is where we must leave you." Muffy announces, as the group of cats consisting of himself, Ivypool, Blossomfall, Snowbush, Sooty, and Nala stop not too far away from the spot that they had first met moons ago now.

Both Ivypool and Blossomfall turn to the ginger tom. They knew that when Muffy, Sooty, and Nala had offered to walk with them and Snowbush for a bit, that they wouldn't walk with them very far, and that they'd unfortunately have to leave them so they can head off on their way back to ThunderClan.

Even though they knew that, it doesn't make it any harder to leave them. They've grown close to these cats and the rest of the barn cats over the past moons, and leaving them comes with more sadness than they first expected. Even for Snowbush.

The sad truth is though, while they'd still like to see the barn cats again, it's very likely that they won't be able to do so very often or at all. Partly because of the distance ThunderClan territory is compared to the barn, but also because they cannot live with a paw in each world.

So ultimately while they may be able to see the barn cats again, it all comes down to what's most important to them. Their friends, family, and home back in ThunderClan where they truly belong, or the barn cats who welcomed them into their home after they had left ThunderClan.

That's not to say the barn cats aren't important to Ivypool and Blossomfall though. They'll always be important to them. It just comes down to where their loyalties truly lie.

"Of course." Ivypool says, dipping her head to the ginger tom. "We understand, and hope that one day - whenever possible - that we'll see you all again."

"That is our hope too." Muffy says. "But we understand if you cannot do so."

"Again, we thank you for all that you've done for us." Blossomfall says, looking between Muffy, Sooty, and Nala. "We're not sure what we would've done without you."

They cannot thank them enough, if it weren't for the barn cats, Ivypool and Blossomfall aren't sure where they would've ended up. Or if they'd even still be alive.

Though realistically with all their warrior training, the pair of them may have faired well living on their own. It would've just felt strange to them as they're used to living with a large group of cats.

"There's no need to thank us." Sooty purrs, as he, Muffy, and Nala move through the three ThunderClan cats, farewelling them off on their journey home.

"Remember you're always welcome back at the barn if anything happens." Nala says, affectionately rubbing her head against Ivypool's head.

"Thank you." Ivypool says, grateful for the ginger she-cats promise that just incase anything does happen that they'll be welcome to return to the barn if need be.

Hopefully though, nothing bad will happen that'll result in them leaving ThunderClan again, but at least they know for sure that they do have another place to call home if it comes to it.

"We wish you a safe journey home." Muffy says, farewelling the three warriors on their way.

Ivypool, Blossomfall, and Snowbush give their farewells to them, before they're making their way further into the forest in front of them, heading out on their long journey home back to ThunderClan. But not before casting one look back towards the ginger she-cat, the ginger tom, and the black-and-white tom, before they're turning back to the forest ahead and making their way home.

The three of them will never forget Muffy, Sooty, Nala, and the rest of the barn cats, and will be forever grateful that they were so warmly welcomed into their home. And hopefully this won't be the last time they ever see any of the barn cats....


Ivypool, Blossomfall, and Snowbush have been travelling for less than a quarter moon by the time they begin to reach familiar territory, and the knowledge that they're nearing their home with each step that they take, it fills them with both worry and excitement. Worry for if they end up not being welcomed back, and excitement for finally being able to see their friends and family again after so long away from them.

Though, they're not even sure what they're going to say once they return to ThunderClan. They've not thought about that at all, even though they've had plenty of sunrises to think about it on their journey home.

Even though it's something that they should of been thinking about, instead all they found themselves thinking about is what the Clan's reaction to their return will be. Or if any of them even know about them returning.

Both Ivypool and Blossomfall assume that the whole Clan know by now of their possible return, as Snowbush is missing. The Clan would clearly know that something's up when one of the warriors is missing, and the warrior that was the former apprentice to one of the other warriors that had left moons before.

They rather doubt that the other three Clans know anything about it though. It's not like it's something that you just announce to every cat around the lake that's not in your own Clan and that have no need to know about it.

But what the other Clans will think about all this once they find out about it though? They'd rather not think about that right now. All they're worried about is returning to ThunderClan as fast as they possibly can. They've still got at least a sunrise and a half left on their journey home.

"We're close, but not close enough." Blossomfall says, as the three of them stop beneath the shelter of a tree for the night. "If we're lucky we'll make it home by next sunfall, if not the next."

Ivypool nods in agreement as she curls up next to her. If they're lucky they'll be in ThunderClan territory by next sunfall, and she's itching to return home. She's missed her sister a lot, and will be glad to see her again along with the rest of the Clan.

"I can't wait till I'm back in my own nest in the warriors den." Snowbush sighs, flopping down onto the grass next to the two she-cats.

The three of them have been walking for the majority of the day, only stopping a few times to hunt and rest up before setting off again. They're all eager to return home to the point where each break they take during daylight is as short as they can bare it to be, while leaving most of their rest to night when it becomes difficult to see where they're going.

Though while they may have started off a little slow at the beginning of their journey, now that they're getting closer to ThunderClan territory, they've started moving quicker, and shortening the amount of rests they get during daylight. After all, the faster they return home, the better.

"We're nearly home, Snowbush." Ivypool assures the white tom, brushing her tail along his back as he moves closer to her. "Now get some sleep while you can. We'll continue on at first light."

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