Chapter 30

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Once Ivypool and Blossomfall have got Snowbush settled down to eat and rest in their little area of the barn, they head over to Muffy and Sooty to inform them of what's going on. They should be told what's going on after all, as it is their barn.

Though they aren't sure how they're going to tell the two toms the reason why Snowbush is here, mainly because they're not too sure themselves of what they're going to decide to do about it. But they guess they'll just figure it out as they go.

They are still unsure if they're going to return to ThunderClan or not though. Clearly Snowbush wants them too, and they're assuming most of ThunderClan want them back too. But they just aren't entirely sure if they want to return.

They had agreed on returning ThunderClan one day, but now that the opportunity to return has arisen, they're not so sure anymore.

Ivypool and Blossomfall have made a life for themselves here with these cats, one that they very much enjoy. They have no worries or duties here, except going out to hunt, and if they return to ThunderClan, they'll be thrown right back into their warrior duties.

Which isn't to say that they don't enjoy their warrior duties - cause they do - but going back to it after four moons away from it? It might not be so easy to accomplish.

"Muffy, Sooty. We need to speak with you both." Ivypool says, as soon as she and Blossomfall reach the two toms.

"It's regarding the new cat we've brought back with us." Blossomfall adds.

Muffy and Sooty both sit up at that, clearly interested in what Ivypool and Blossomfall have to say. Though, Ivypool has a slight feeling that they might know what this is about.

"His name is Snowbush, and he's one of our former Clanmates." Ivypool explains. "He says he came searching for us, and that we are able to return to ThunderClan if we wish."

"And will you be doing so?" Muffy asks.

Now that, they aren't sure on the answer to. As much as they'd love to return to ThunderClan, they're not entirely sure if they really want to leave the barn.

"If you do decide to return to your home, you are always welcome back here any time." Sooty assures them. "You won't be turned away if you do decide to return to your Clan."

"Thank you." Blossomfall starts. "But we're not exactly sure what we're going to do." She says. "We haven't quite decided on anything yet."

"Whatever you choose to do, we're sure you'll make the right decision in the end." Sooty says.

Sooty is most likely right about that. Ivypool and Blossomfall know they'll probably end up making the right decision in the end. But right now... they're not sure what the right decision is.

What they do know is, that they're going to need some time to think this all over before they make any decisions on what they're going to do.

They should probably talk this over with Snowbush, just to see where the Clans stand on all of this. What's the point in returning if there is still unnecessary conflict from the other Clans?

Muffy and Sooty nod at that. "Whatever decision you make, we understand." Muffy says. "Let your friend rest up, and then we can all talk things over more once he's fully fed and rested."

Ivypool and Blossomfall dip their heads in thanks at that. They knew that Muffy and Sooty would understand, so they didn't have anything to worry about.

Now though, all they can do, is allow Snowbush to rest up before they talk this all over and decide on whether they're going back to ThunderClan, or staying here.

They would've thought that the answer to that would be relatively easy, but turns out it's not, and they're unsure of what they want to do.

Whatever they decide on doing though, hopefully they manage to decide on it quick... and just hopefully if they return to ThunderClan their return is welcoming. Cause chances are, if they were to return, they may no longer be welcome anymore.

From what Snowbush had told them earlier though, they seem to have nothing to worry about from ThunderClan if they were to return, but that doesn't mean that the other three Clans will be very pleased about it....

If they chose not to return to ThunderClan though, then they won't have to worry about facing the Clans reactions to their return. They know for sure if the other Clans were to find out about their return - which they no doubt would find out if they do decide to return - their reactions more than likely won't be very welcoming, unlike ThunderClan, which will likely be welcoming enough, but still has the chance of not being very welcoming.

The decision on what they're going to chose to do, is harder than they first thought it would be, and they aren't certain on what the right choice to make is....

Return home to their friends and family in ThunderClan, or stay with their new friends in the barn where they are free to be themselves?

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