Chapter 9

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"Do you think we should tell the rest of the Clan about us?" Ivypool asks, as she and Blossomfall make their way through the forest and back to the ThunderClan camp.

Ivypool has no idea if they should tell the Clan that the two of them are together, or if she and Blossomfall should just keep it a secret. For now at least.

She has no idea how the Clan will even react to the news that two she-cats are mates, but she also doesn't know for how long she can possibly even keep it a secret. Especially from her sister Dovewing.

Blossomfall stops, shaking her head a little as she looks over at the silver and white tabby next to her. She believes it would probably be best to keep this from the Clan just until the both of them are absolutely sure about this. But that's only what she thinks. She has no idea of what Ivypool thinks they should do about it.

Should they tell the Clan, or keep it a secret from them for now?

"I think." Blossomfall starts, figuring out which would probably be the best option for them. "I think we should keep this to ourselves until we're sure that we both want this." She decides. "That way if we end up not wanting this, then the Clan has no need to even know about us."

That makes sense to Ivypool, and she thinks she'll be okay with that. For now at least anyway. "Alright." She says. "We don't let the Clan know till we're absolutely sure we want this."

Though, what if they decide that they do in fact want this, but the Clan doesn't like it at all? What if Ivypool's own sister doesn't accept Ivypool anymore because of this? Or Blossomfall's littermates, Bumblestripe and Briarlight don't accept Blossomfall? What then?

As far as both of the she-cats are aware of, none of the Clans have ever had two she-cats or two toms being mates with each other. It's always just been a she-cat and a tom being mates.

What if when the Clan finds out about this, they banish them from ThunderClan? That possibility honestly scares Ivypool. There's no way that she'd ever want to get banished from ThunderClan. No way does she want to get banished from her own home because of who she loves, and she's certain that Blossomfall doesn't want to get banished from her home either.

"Do you want to go hunting before we head back to camp?" Blossomfall asks, sensing the unease coming off of Ivypool from whether or not they tell the Clan about them, or keep it a secret for now. "Just so it seems we went out for an early hunt."

At that idea, Ivypool relaxes a little, but she still felt a little bit uneasy with the whole thing. Hopefully hunting for the Clan will take her mind off things though, even if it's just for a short while.

"Okay." She decides, stretching a little. "Let's go hunt." She says, before the two of them turn around and run through the undergrowth in search of prey.

Thankfully both the she-cats minds are taken off whatever the outcome could possibly be if they told the Clan about them. It may only be for a moment that their hunt is taking their minds off it, but it's all they need for now as they simply just concentrate on bringing back as much fresh kill as they can for their Clan.

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