Chapter 23

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A couple of sunrises have passed before Ivypool and Blossomfall had decided to stop once they managed to find a decent enough area for them to stay in. They'd discovered an area of the forest that provided enough shelter for the two of them to sleep in comfortably during the night. It's a good enough area to sleep, but it's certainly not like the warriors den back in ThunderClan.

The two of them aren't sure what they're going to do now, or for how long they're going to stay in this little area. But for the time being, the two of them will just have to make do with whatever they can find.

Maybe once this whole situation has died down, they can return to ThunderClan. Though, it'll be a little difficult for them to find out whether or not this has all died down in the Clans, seeing as they're no longer in ThunderClan, and they have no idea how far away from the Clans they are now.

All they've really decided on doing so far, is just wander round through the forest until they find somewhere that they can stay permanently, and even though the area that they've found right now is nice, they're not so sure how long it'll last. If only they just stayed in ThunderClan. It's a bit late to turn back now though.

"I wonder what's happening in ThunderClan right now." Ivypool sighs, as she curls up next to Blossomfall in the shelter of a bush.

"I don't know." Blossomfall sighs, giving Ivypool's ear a lick. "Let's just try and get some sleep."

Ivypool agrees with that suggestion. She is rather tired right now, but she just can't find herself getting any sleep. Neither does Blossomfall.

Both she-cats have found it difficult to get to sleep over the past sunrises since the gathering. They both aren't used to not sleeping in their nests back in the ThunderClan camp, and they're finding it especially hard to get to sleep in the part of the forest outside of the Clans that they've never been to before. They have no idea what could be lurking in the shadows, and that alone puts them on edge.

They stay in this area for a few sunrises, agreeing that they should try and find somewhere else with more shelter. There may be just enough shelter here, but more is always better. 

Blossomfall had made a comment not long ago that she had seen a barn not far from the forest when she was out hunting. Maybe they could possibly stay in there. If there's no other cats already living in there that is....

As Ivypool and Blossomfall are about to move out, they stop as the bushes across from them start rustling.

Just as the two of them are about to go over and investigate the noise, a ginger tom and a black-and-white tom come wandering out through the bushes. The two toms stop as they see the two she-cats standing there, before making their way over to them.

"See, Muffy? I told you there was two new cats hanging round in the forest!" The black-and-white tom says, as he and the ginger tom make their way over to the she-cats.

"Okay then, Sooty." The ginger tom - Muffy - says, before stopping in front of the she-cats.

Ivypool and Blossomfall look between one another, not sure on what's about to happen now. Two unfamiliar tom cats have made their way over to them, and they're not so sure what to do about it.

"Who are you?" Blossomfall asks.

"The name's Muffy." The ginger tom says, sitting down on the grass in front of Ivypool and Blossomfall. "And this is Sooty." He adds, looking over at the black-and-white tom standing next to him. "Who might you two be?" He asks. "We've never seen you around here before."

"We come from beyond those trees." Blossomfall says, indicating through the trees from where they had came from, or the direction that they're pretty sure the ThunderClan camp is. "We're warriors of ThunderClan. Or, were warriors of ThunderClan." She says. "My name is Blossomfall, and this is Ivypool."

The two toms dip their heads in greeting, and Blossomfall and Ivypool do the same.

"So, you're both from one of those large groups of cats around by the lake?" Muffy asks. "What brings you out this far away from your home?"

Both Ivypool and Blossomfall look between one another, not sure whether or not they should tell these two toms why they've left ThunderClan. They have only just met them after all, and they have no idea if they can trust them or not.

"Tell you what." Muffy starts, as Ivypool and Blossomfall don't say anything. "How about you both come back with us to our barn, and you can get some sleep and then we can discuss this in the morning?" He asks. "It's really no trouble. We've got plenty of room available."

Ivypool and Blossomfall both find the offer tempting, as they have no idea what's out in this forest and sleeping in a barn may probably be the safest place to sleep in. But they've only just met these two toms, and they don't want to intrude.

"I don't know...." Ivypool trails off. "We really wouldn't want to be a bother."

Muffy shake his head. "Nonsense!" He says. "You wouldn't be a bother. We take in a lot of cats that come near our barn." He assures them. "Some only stay for a day or more, and then some decide to stay permanently. There's plenty of room, and plenty of prey out in the forest near our barn, along with plenty of mice running around inside."

A barn? Ivypool guesses that their barn must be the one Blossomfall said she had seen.

Blossomfall looks over towards Ivypool. "Maybe we should. Even just for a couple days." She says. "It'll be better than staying out in the forest."

Ivypool supposes that Blossomfall is right. It would be a lot nicer than sleeping out in the forest, and they don't have to stay there for very long if they don't want to. So maybe they should take them up on the offer.

"Alright." Ivypool says, as she and Blossomfall turn back to the two toms in front of them. "We'll take you up on your offer."

Both toms purr in satisfaction, as they get up off the grass. "Great." Muffy says. "Now, if you'll just follow us, we'll be at our barn in no time."

Ivypool and Blossomfall look between one another, before getting up and following along behind the two toms. The two toms seem nice enough if they're allowing them to stay in their barn. But they mentioned that they take in other cats all the time, so once they get to the barn, there'll probably be more cats. More cats who they're not sure if they can trust or not....

But just maybe they've got nothing to worry about, and they're just worrying too much. Surely there's nothing to worry about and these other cats are friendly enough. Muffy and Sooty seem friendly enough, so they probably don't have anything to worry about with the other cats that are sure to be staying in the barn.

And just maybe they'll find more cats just like them....

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