Chapter 13

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The next morning, Ivypool makes her way into the warriors den tiredly after having been up all night guarding the camp. She'll have to take Snowpaw out training after she gets some rest, or she could see if Bumblestripe could take him out with him and Seedpaw.

Blossomfall had stayed outside the camp for a bit with Ivypool as the gathering patrol had returned to camp later during the night. There wasn't anything new or interesting that the other Clans had shared, aside from a couple WindClan apprentices earning their warrior names, but that's about it. Maybe the next gathering will be more interesting.

As she makes her way into the warriors den, she spots Blossomfall curled up asleep in her nest. Ivypool has to stop herself from purring a little at the Blossomfall curled up asleep in her nest, and makes her way over to her own nest.

"Bumblestripe." Ivypool starts, as she notices the gray warrior just getting out of his nest. "Do you mind taking Snowpaw out with you and Seedpaw for a while?"

"Of course not." Bumblestripe says, before being cut off by a yawn. "We'll be out in the training hollow if you need to find us." He adds, before making his way out of the den.

At that Ivypool nods, curling up in her nest, yawning tiredly, before drifting off to sleep.

When Ivypool awakes from her sleep, warm sunlight is shining into the warriors den, warming her fur, as she sits up in her nest and looks around. She's the only one still in the warriors den, but she assumed she would be. The rest of the Clan are already going about their duties. Just as she should get to right now.

Making her way out of the warriors den, she makes her way to the dirtplace tunnel to make her dirt, before going over to the fresh kill pile and picking out a mouse for herself. She might as well have something to eat before she goes off to fetch her apprentice from Bumblestripe.

Looking up as Jayfeather passes her, muttering something under his breath as he makes his way to the camp entrance, she contemplates offering to help Jayfeather collect some herbs, as she's assuming that's what Jayfeather has gone off to do. But she decides against it. She's not too sure what he's muttering to himself, but she guesses that he's not in the best of moods right now, so she best leave him be and let him calm down.

Just as she finishes her mouse and goes to stand up, Blossomfall makes her way over towards her nervously.

"Hey." Ivypool says, getting up and walking over to Blossomfall's side, as she indicates for her to follow her out of the camp.

"I think we should tell the Clan." Blossomfall starts, once they're away from the camp.

This catches Ivypool by surprise. Blossomfall thinks we should tell the Clan already?

"So soon?" She asks. "I mean, I do want this, but I don't think I'm ready to tell the Clan just yet."

Is she ready to tell the Clan? Blossomfall seems to be ready to tell them, but Ivypool doesn't think she's ready to tell them just yet. She's more or less scared of what the Clan will do about it. She knows it's not very likely, but she doesn't want to get thrown out of ThunderClan!

Blossomfall shakes her head. "I didn't mean right now, Ivypool." She assures her. "But, I was thinking that by the next gathering we should tell them." She says. "Ivypool, I want to be with you, and I don't want it to be kept a secret. I'm not scared about the Clan knowing, not like I thought I'd be anyway."

Ivypool thinks about it for a bit. She's still scared about what the Clan will think, but she doesn't want this to be kept a secret for her whole life.

"Okay." She decides. "I want this. And we'll tell them before the next gathering."

At that, Blossomfall let's out a purr, before moving closer to Ivypool and rubbing up against her.

The both of them are scared for what's to come, but at least whatever happens, they won't have to keep this a secret for much longer.

And whatever happens, at least they have each other.

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