Chapter 27

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Ivypool awakes the next morning to a paw prodding her in the side. Yawning, she looks up to find Blossomfall sitting there next to her, one paw raised to prod her awake again if needed.

"Finally." Blossomfall sighs, watching as Ivypool sits up and stretches a little. "You ready to talk with Muffy and Sooty about us?" She asks. "Better to tell them now than not at all."

Sighing, Ivypool nods as she remembers what they had agreed on talking about to Muffy and Sooty. She's not exactly looking forward to it, but they've got to tell them. With any luck, these cats will be okay with it.

"I guess so." She says, following Blossomfall down from the haystacks and over to the middle of the barn.

Most of the other cats in here seem to already be awake, but there looks to be a few who are still asleep. Though, the kits seem to be wide awake chasing a ball of hay around the barn, with the brown tabby tom, Pippin, following along behind them making sure they don't disrupt any of the sleeping cats.

It also looks as though there's a couple new comers that have shown up. They appear to be talking with Muffy and Sooty right now, so both Ivypool and Blossomfall may have to wait a bit before they get a chance to talk with them. Not that they're going to complain about that though.

Instead, the two of them just find somewhere to sit down for a bit and wait until Muffy and Sooty are finished talking with the new comers. They shouldn't take too long hopefully, but both Ivypool and Blossomfall don't really care how much longer they take. It gives them the chance to figure out what they're going to say more after all. Though, they do already pretty much know exactly what they're going to tell them....

As they sit there, they just watch everything that's going on in the barn. The kits had stopped playing with the ball of hay, and had pounced on Pippin and had begun play fighting with the tom.

Ivypool has to admit, this group of cats does almost remind her of the Clans. In a way at least, as these cats don't appear to have a set leader or warriors that patrol their territory. Though, Muffy and Sooty do appear to be the main cats in charge here, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the leaders of this group.

It really does make Ivypool miss her home back in ThunderClan, as she watches these cats interact in a way that's almost Clan-like. She especially misses her sister, Dovewing, and her mother and father, Whitewing and Birchfall. She's sure Blossomfall feels the exact same way. She's positive that Blossomfall misses her family.

Of course Ivypool also misses her apprentice, Snowpaw. She has to wonder how his training is going, and who Bramblestar had appointed as his new mentor. She's not sure who she'd personally pick to replace her as Snowpaw's mentor, but whoever Bramblestar has chosen, she hopes it's someone good, which of course, she assumes it is. She just hopes that Snowpaw listens to what his new mentor tells him to do.

"Ivypool." Blossomfall says, distracting her from her thoughts. "Muffy and Sooty are finished talking with the new cats."

At that, Ivypool looks over towards the two toms, to find that they're both walking away from the new comers. Which begins to fill Ivypool with nervousness.

They're about to tell Muffy and Sooty about why they had left ThunderClan. Ivypool has no idea what they're reactions to it will be, but she's hoping that it's not going to be a bad reaction.

Though as she looks around at all the other cats in here, she kind of feels as though it's going to turn out okay in the end. At least, she hopes it is, and she's not just misinterpreting what she's been noticing while here.

"Come on." Blossomfall urges.

The two of them get up slowly, and make their way over to the two toms who have just lay down on their haystacks. But as they notice Ivypool and Blossomfall approaching them, they sit up.

"Hi!" Sooty says, as Ivypool and Blossomfall stop in front of him and Muffy.

"We need to talk." Blossomfall starts. "About why Ivypool and I left our home in ThunderClan."

This catches the two toms interests, and they sit there waiting patiently for the two she-cats to explain themselves.

Ivypool takes a breath, before speaking. "Blossomfall and I are mates." She says. "We left our Clan because of that."

Both Muffy and Sooty are quiet at that for a few heartbeats, before they're both letting out a warm purr. Which makes both Ivypool and Blossomfall relax significantly.

"You both are most welcome here." Muffy says. "There is no need to be afraid of judgement here." He tells them. "In fact, some of us are exactly like you both."

At that, Ivypool and Blossomfall relax even more. They're okay with this, and they're not going to throw them out. Now that definitely makes them feel a lot better. They will be able to stay here without judgement.

"Thank you." Blossomfall purrs, as she and Ivypool dip their heads at the two toms. "That is all we wanted to hear."

"Was your Clan not welcoming to this news?" Sooty asks curiously, cocking his head to the side slightly.

"Well... our Clan was. But after we told the other three Clans, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan, during the Clan's gathering, they weren't exactly very welcoming." Blossomfall explains. "Ivypool and I had decided it would be best if the two of us just leave ThunderClan to avoid any unwanted conflict."

Ivypool nods. "That, and our warrior ancestors, StarClan, never gave us a sign for what we should do." She says. "They didn't even give us a sign on whether or not they think this is wrong." She sighs. "So we decided that the best thing for us to do, is to leave. Or at least for the time being until this situation all blows over."

Muffy and Sooty both nod in understanding at that. "Well, you need not worry about anything like that here." Muffy assures them. "You may stay here with us for as long as you both may need to."

Ivypool and Blossomfall nod their thanks to the two toms. They can both stay here for as long as they need to without judgement for who they choose to be mates with. They're perfectly safe here, and that's exactly what they wanted to hear.

Though, they must admit that they're curious to know which of these cats are exactly like them. They have a feeling they may know which cats are, but they're not completely sure.

"If you'd like to know which of us are like the both of you." Muffy starts. "Both Sooty and I are mates." He says. "Then there's Meeko and Leaf, and Brick and Bailey."

Ivypool looks around the barn, noticing the gray tabby tom Leaf sitting close with the brown tabby tom, Meeko. The two of them sharing a mouse together, and Ivypool only just notices that the two toms had their tails entwined. She also notices the dark brown tabby she-cat, Brick, and the ginger-and-white she-cat, Bailey, curled up close together asleep.

She must admit though, she had the slightest feeling that Muffy and Sooty are mates. Mostly because the two toms seem very close and they're almost always together, so that wasn't really much of a surprise.

"Thank you, Muffy. Sooty." Ivypool says. "We're not entirely sure for how long we'll be staying here, but we're glad to have found such a wonderful and understanding group of cats."

Muffy and Sooty both dip their heads to Ivypool and Blossomfall. "You're most welcome." Muffy says.

With that, Ivypool and Blossomfall are leaving the toms be, and going off to join the rest of the cats. Knowing that they can be themselves with these cats, and they'll be accepting towards it.

If Ivypool and Blossomfall don't plan on returning to ThunderClan eventually, at least they know they've got a welcoming home here in this barn.

And that's a whole lot better than nothing.

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