Chapter 28

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A moon has passed since Ivypool and Blossomfall had told Muffy and Sooty about why theY had left their home in ThunderClan, and now that they don't need to be worried about being thrown out. the two of them are beginning to enjoy living with these cats even more.

But it's no ThunderClan.

This place, as much as they enjoy being here, won't be able to replace ThunderClan. Nothing can. But these cats have become like a family to them, despite only knowing them for a little over a moon. They have to admit that they'd miss them if they were to leave.

Are they going to leave this place anytime soon though? The answer to that, is they aren't sure. They're not sure what they plan on doing. Though they would like to return to ThunderClan, but they're not too sure if this whole situation has blown over yet. And they're not even sure if they'd be welcomed back.

So for now, Ivypool and Blossomfall have just decided to not worry about that just yet, and enjoy all this while they can. Though maybe they can go back in a few moons.

For now, they're good where they are. After all, they're not going to face any judgement whatsoever here for being mates with each other, unlike they would if they we're still in the Clans. Though really the judgement was just from ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan, not ThunderClan.

As Ivypool and Blossomfall sit together near the entrance to the barn, they only just notice Sebastian making her way over to them. They're actually surprised that they only just noticed her making her way over to them, seeing as Sebastian is a rather large cat.

"Mind if I join you?" She asks, before sitting down next to them once they give her the okay to do so.

"Hi there, Sebastian." Ivypool greets her, while Blossomfall just dips her head in greeting.

"You two okay?" Sebastian asks, watching them closely.

Both Ivypool and Blossomfall shrug at that. The both of them are fine, but they still rather miss their home back on ThunderClan. They find themselves wanting to return home to their Clan. But they're not sure. If they'll be welcome back, especially by the other three Clans.

"Honestly, we're just missing our Clan." Ivypool sighs. "We miss our family and friends back home in ThunderClan."

Sebastian nods. "That, I can understand." She says, her voice sympathetic. "Sometimes I miss my old Twolegs. But they went away, and never came back for me." She sighs, before shaking her head. "It gets easier, but the feeling of abandonment is still there. Personally, I don't think it ever will, but there's not really much we can do about it."

Both Ivypool and Blossomfall begin to feel sorry for the she-cat. They had no idea that Sebastian had been abandoned by her Twolegs. Then again, they had never asked her to begin with, so really they had no way of knowing. But still... being abandoned by the ones who are supposed to care for you, it does hurt.

Though, technically Ivypool and Blossomfall weren't abandoned by their Clan, but chose to leave of their own accord to avoid unnecessary conflict between the Clans. But they can sympathize in a way with Sebastian. Sort of anyway. Their situation is similar, but not quite the same.

"That must have been rough." Blossomfall says. "To be abandoned like that."

Sebastian nods. "Yeah. But that was many moons ago now." She says. "Now, I've got a much better life living here with Bucky and our two kits, Poppy and Cinders." She purrs a little at that. "I'd never trade this for anything. Not even being reunited with my former Twolegs."

Just by looking at the she-cat, Ivypool and Blossomfall can clearly tell that Sebastian is happier with her life here. But can they really do the same? Can they really be happy here away from their friends and family back in ThunderClan? They believe that they could try, but know that they'll never truly be happy.

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