Chapter 8

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As soon as the words leave her mouth, Ivypool regrets telling her friend how she really feels. Now Blossomfall probably thinks she's weird, and no longer wants to hang around her.

Foxdung! I most likely just lost my best friend!

She looks away from the tortoiseshell she-cat in front of her, not wanting to hear what the warrior has to say. She just knows that Blossomfall is going to react badly to this, and she wishes that she never said what she did, and just made up some lie.

"I-I've got to go." Ivypool chokes out, before she's jumping up and racing away through the trees, getting as far away from her friend as possible.

"Ivypool! Wait!" Blossomfall calls, but Ivypool just ignores her friend's calls for her to come back, and continues on running through the forest.

Slowing down once she believes she's as far from Blossomfall as she thinks she is, Ivypool makes her way underneath a bush, and curls up in a tight ball. Whimpering slightly as she tries to figure out what she's going to do now.

There's no way that Blossomfall will want to stay friends with her now, not after that confession. Two she-cats being mates? That's just silly, and has never happened before in the history of all four Clans.

Screwing her eyes shut, she tries to block out everything around her. It's kind of impossible to do, with all the birds chirping away in the trees above, but Ivypool does her best to ignore everything that's going on around her. Even the sound of Blossomfall calling to her and running through the forest near the bush she's currently hiding under.

"Ivypool!" Blossomfall calls out, as she runs through the forest. Desperately searching for the silver and white she-cat.

She has to tell her friend that she feels the exact same way towards her. Unfortunately Ivypool had ran off before she even got a chance to tell her.

Sniffing the air, she catches Ivypool's scent growing stronger around where she's currently looking, and walks around slowly. Searching through the bushes for a glimpse of silver and white fur. Ivypool's around here somewhere, and Blossomfall isn't going to leave her friend alone.

Not until she tells her how she feels also.

Blossomfall sighs in relief once she finds Ivypool curled up under one of the bushes. "Ivypool, please will you come out from under there?" She asks, sitting down near the bush. "We need to talk."

Ivypool lifts her head up slightly, looking at Blossomfall through the leaves. She doesn't really want to come out from under the bush, in fear of what Blossomfall is going to say to her. But she knows that her friend isn't going to be giving up on talking with her about this any time soon.

So she heaves out a sigh, and slowly makes her way out from under the bush. But continues to avoid all eye contact with the she-cat sitting in front of her.

"Ivypool." Blossomfall starts, standing up and walking closer to her friend. "I'm not mad at you for what you said." She assures the younger she-cat. "I have a confession to make myself."

This catches Ivypool's attention, and she looks over at the older she-cat. Could Blossomfall be about to admit the same thing to her, that she had admitted herself? Surely not, right? Blossomfall couldn't be feeling more than friendship towards her, could she?

"I think I may have feelings for you also." Blossomfall admits.

Ivypool's ears prick up at that. Blossomfall has feelings towards her as well? She can't possibly have feelings for her also, can she?

"Y-you what?" Ivypool stutters, stepping back a little. She wasn't expecting those words to come from Blossomfall. "You do?"

Blossomfall nods, a soft purr rising in her throat, as she sits down in front of Ivypool. "I never told you before cause I had no idea of how you'd react." She explains. "But now that you've admitted that you might have feelings towards me, I feel as though I no longer have to hide it around you anymore."

Ivypool looks away, her ears flattening themselves down slightly, as she curls her tail around herself, unsure of what she's supposed to do now. Does she and Blossomfall agree to pretend that this confrontation never happened, never speaking of it again? Or do they try out becoming mates with each other, and hide it from the Clan until they're sure they both want to be together and they're ready to tell them?

Shaking her head, she makes up her mind, jumping up and running over to Blossomfall, and rubbing her head against her friend. She's decided that she wants to try the both of them becoming mates.

Blossomfall is taken aback by Ivypool's sudden decision, but she finds herself purring more, as she stands and rubs her head against her friend. She too is willing to give them being mates a shot.

"I'm willing to try us being mates. If you are." Ivypool whispers, closing her eyes as she waits for Blossomfall's reply.

Purring a little more, Blossomfall rubs her head against Ivypool's. "So am I."

Ivypool's Heart || Warriors ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz